Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Page 7
Preface.................................................................................................... 7*
1. General statemcnt ............................................................................ 9*
2. Possessors of livestock, producers of agriculiural products 1955—57 ......................... 10*
3. Weather conditions 1955—57 ...................................................................... 12*
4. Production of field crops etc. 1955—57 .......................................................... 16*
5. Numbcr of livestock 1955—57 ..................................................................... 22*
6. Livestock products 1957 ......................................................................... 28*
7. Subsidiary income 1957 ........................................................................ 35*
8. Motor-cars and agricultural machinery 1957 ............................................... 35*
9. Value of the agricultural production 1957 ....................................................... 37*
10. Expenditure of agricultural producers 1957 ...................................................... 40*
11. Farm ivages 1957 ........................................................................... 44*
12. Gross income and expenditure of agricultural producers 1957 ................................. 45*
13. Improvements of estates 1955—57 ................................................................. 47*
14. Agricultural investmcnts 1955—57 ................................................................ 54*
15. Assets and debts of agricultural producers at the end of 1957 ........................... 62*
16. Farmers’ income and assets 1957 ................................................................. 65*
17. Value of agricultural production 1955—57 ........................................................ 67*
I. Number of population, number of persons independently engaged in farming according
to income declarations for 1957 ......................................................... 2
II A. Field crops etc. 1955—57v by districts. All producers........................................ 4
II B. Field crops etc. 1955—57, by districts. Farmers only......................................... 6
III. Production of vegetablcs etc. (excluding potatoes and turnips) 1955—57 .................. 8
IV A. Number of livestock at tlie end of 1955, by districts. All possessors................... 10
IV B. Numbcr of livestock at the end of 1955, by districts. Farmers only..................... 12
V A. Number of livestock at the end of 1956, by districts. All possessors................... 14
V B. Number of livestock at the end of 1956, by districts. Farmers only..................... 16
VI A. Numbcr of liveslock at the end of 1957, by districts. All possessors................... 18
VI B. Number of livestock at thc end of 1957, by districis. Farmers only..................... 20
VII. Number of livestock at the end of 1955—J957, production of hay and of tuber and root
crops 1955—57, by communes .............................................................. 22
VIII A. Livestock products 1957v by districts. All produccrs........................................ 34
VIII B. Livestock producers 1957, by districts. Farmers only........................................ 36
IX A. Subsidiary sources of income 1957, by districts according to income declarations
(total)...................................................................................... 38
IX B. Subsidiary sources of income 1957, by districts according to income declarations. Farmers
only ........................................................................................ 40
X. Number of motor-cars oivned by farmers and others independently engagcd in farming 42
XI A. The value of the agricultural production 1957, by districts. All producers................. 44
XI B. The value of the agricultural production 1957, by districts. Farmers only.................. 46
XII A. Expenditure of agricultural producers 1957, by districts. All producers.................. 48
XII B. Expenditure of agricultural producers 1957, by districts. Farmers only................... 50
XIII. Farm wages in cash and in kind 1957, by districts ......................................... 52