Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 91

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 91
18 Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 Tafla VI A. Tala búpenings í árslok Number of livestock at the end of Translation of headings: See Table IVA Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Nautgripir Sauðfé & Geldneyti | 3 Samtals u 83 «o S ta cn Hrútar Gemlingar Suðvesturland South-West 7 633 i 706 1 295 10 634 116 661 99 2 538 30 933 Gullbringusýsla 742 117 81 940 3 604 9 82 1 227 Kjósarsýsla 1 547 282 265 2 094 7 514 38 208 2 085 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 2 104 485 295 2 884 24 751 11 497 4 872 Mýrasýsla 1 265 301 233 1 799 30 763 25 572 5 672 Snæfellsnessýsla 924 229 202 1 355 28 949 7 668 5 098 Dalasýsla 549 209 173 931 16 756 9 373 10 751 Kaupstaðir towns1) 502 83 46 631 4 324 - 138 1 228 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula .. 1 871 398 357 2 626 55 880 165 1 355 14 039 Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla .. 198 61 59 318 9 135 12 216 1 557 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla .. 351 69 57 477 10 510 9 235 1 928 Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 382 62 79 523 10 705 15 267 1 755 Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 513 100 90 703 11 576 129 251 2 086 Strandasýsla 388 103 71 562 13 318 - 375 6 654 Kaupstaður town1) 39 3 1 43 636 11 59 Norðurland North 11 191 2 311 1 919 15 421 216 379 240 4 746 40 636 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 729 173 181 1 083 29 395 31 677 5 180 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 1 351 296 250 1 897 37 748 30 864 6 637 Skagafjarðarsýsla 1 936 515 206 2 657 47 148 35 1 042 8 423 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 3 953 695 627 5 275 29 850 61 759 5 602 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 2 232 442 446 3 120 35 538 42 737 7 375 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 380 60 93 533 27 290 38 465 5 114 Kaupstaðir towns1) 610 130 116 856 9 410 3 202 2 305 Austurland East 2 271 575 790 3 636 108 352 476 1 932 21 194 Norður-Múlasýsla 804 200 279 1 283 52 373 100 890 9 963 Suður-Múlasýsla 1 024 235 331 1 590 39 231 116 762 7 609 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 400 136 173 709 14 993 259 238 3 161 Kaupstaðir towns1) 43 4 7 54 1 755 1 42 461 Suðurland South 12 396 2 411 1 912 16 719 120 459 711 2 354 30 628 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 928 209 234 1 371 27 509 476 478 6 018 Rangárvallasýsla 4 904 1 091 718 6 713 37 546 42 817 9 859 Árnessýsla 6 376 1 084 943 8 403 54 837 193 1 045 14 541 Kaupstaður town1) 188 27 17 232 567 ~ 14 210 Allt landið Iceland 35 362 7 401 6 273 49 036 617 731 1691 12 925 137 430 Þar af f Sýslur districts 33 980 7 154 6 086 47 220 601 039 1 687 12 518 133 167 of this \ Kaupstaðir towns .... 1 382 247 187 1 816 16 692 4 407 4 263 1) Sjá neðanmáUgreinar við töflu I see notes to Table I. Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 19 1957, eftir sýslum. AUir framteljendur. 1957, by districts, All possessors. Geitfé Hross Loðdýr Alifuglar O I, v£> 2 V tn z Samtals Hestar 4 v. og eldri Hryssur 4v. og eldri Tryppi 2—3 vetra Folöld Samtals Refir Minkar insuajjj 3 T3 a W •s 8 o 150 231 _ 3 451 2 273 679 307 6 710 55 109 187 45 416 4 922 - 80 23 13 9 125 - - 7 810 100 _ 315 9 845 - 238 144 58 23 463 - - 14 042 _ 10 21 30 131 - 848 665 207 83 1 803 - _ 1 800 7 _ _ 37 032 - 820 615 173 95 1 703 - _ 1 027 _ 8 _ 34 722 - 537 320 101 33 991 - _ 1 158 _ _ _ 27 889 - 547 444 110 56 1 157 - _ 449 _ 2 5 690 - 381 62 17 8 468 - - 28 823 80 25 80 71 439 _ 750 332 92 26 1 200 _ _ 5 756 _ 10 920 - 159 52 6 - 217 _ _ 247 _ _ _ 12 682 - 76 21 _ _ 97 _ _ 1 058 _ _ _ 12 742 - 83 41 12 4 140 - _ 1 160 _ _ _ 14 042 - 162 77 22 6 267 - - 1 810 _ _ _ 20 347 - 267 141 52 16 476 _ _ 1 264 _ _ _ 706 3 - - - 3 - - 217 - - - 262 001 77 5 632 6 330 1 242 647 13 851 __ __ 15 076 12 37 132 35 283 - 930 1 382 253 162 2 727 - _ 677 _ 12 45 279 - 1 360 1 904 346 164 3 774 - _ 1 258 7 9 2 56 648 - 1 848 2 277 419 217 4 761 - _ 996 _ 7 _ 36 272 - 555 399 139 60 1 153 _ _ 5 749 _ 6 20 43 692 17 432 178 37 21 668 _ _ 2 884 _ _ 12 32 907 60 269 76 19 11 375 - _ 807 5 3 3 11 920 - 238 114 29 12 393 - - 2 705 - - 95 131 954 21 856 765 223 83 1 927 _ _ 7 225 16 45 36 63 326 11 470 367 107 34 978 - _ 2 480 _ _ 47 718 10 248 226 69 23 566 - _ 2 932 16 43 36 18 651 - 132 167 46 26 371 - _ 898 _ 2 _ 2 259 6 5 1 12 - - 915 - - - 154 152 - 3 952 3 680 1176 559 9 367 _ 14 777 125 34 481 435 207 83 39 764 - _ 1 159 _ _ _ 48 264 - 1 709 2 367 625 345 5 046 - _ 2 884 _ _ _ 70 616 - 1 803 1 106 468 175 3 552 _ _ 8 713 _ _ 125 791 - 5 - - 5 - - 2 021 - - - 769 777 98 14 641 13 380 3 412 1622 33 055 - - 97 943 215 127 709 748 411 98 14 008 13 199 3 365 1 602 32 174 __ _ 63 262 135 102 534 21 366 633 181 47 20 881 — 34 681 80 25 175 3
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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