Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 93

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 93
20 Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 21 Tafla VI B. Tala búpenings í árslok 1957, eftir sýslum. Bændur aðeins. Number of livestock at the end of 1957, by districts. Farmers only. Translation of hcadings: See Table IV A Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Nautgripir Sauðfé Geitfé Hross Loðdýr Alifuglar « «© ■ Q •3 8t «2 V 1 • Geldncyti h 3 Ui Samtals •O P Ö tn Hrátar Gemlingar Samtals Hcstar 4 v. og eldri Hryssur 4 v. og cldri Tryppi 2—3 vctra Folöld Samtals Refir Minkar ’S s u H Endur o Suðvesturland South-West 7 400 í 673 1 267 10 340 92 953 89 2 104 23 695 118 841 2 524 1 871 565 264 5 224 26 728 100 18 352 Gullbringusýsla 723 114 83 920 3 033 9 70 1 022 4 134 _ 66 17 12 8 103 _ _ 5 874 100 _ 315 Kjósarsýsla 1 540 281 262 2 083 6 684 37 184 1 824 8 729 _ 218 137 52 19 426 _ _ 11 239 _ 10 21 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 2 099 477 292 2 868 21 482 7 464 4 209 26 162 _ 703 584 183 76 1 546 _ _ 1 748 _ _ - Mýrasýsla 1 251 299 231 1 781 25 485 25 508 4 627 30 645 _ 667 478 136 82 1 363 _ _ 897 _ 8 _ Snœfellsnessýsla 834 223 197 1 254 21 865 4 522 3 683 26 074 _ 411 284 83 28 806 _ _ 1 077 _ - _ Dalasýsla 518 203 163 884 13 640 7 328 8 075 22 050 _ 416 358 95 50 919 _ _ 433 _ _ _ Kaupstaðir towns1) 435 76 39 550 764 - 28 255 1 047 - 43 13 4 1 61 - - 5 460 - - 16 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula .. 1 732 377 334 2 443 44 464 157 1182 11 097 56 900 651 290 74 20 1 035 4 204 _ _ _ Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla .. 172 53 48 273 6 556 11 181 1 138 7 886 _ 118 43 2 _ 163 _ _ 240 _ _ _ Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla .. 336 66 54 456 8 730 9 203 1 647 10 589 _ 63 20 _ _ 83 _ _ 918 _ _ _ Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 367 60 76 503 9 343 14 239 1 439 11 035 _ 83 38 10 2 133 _ _ 866 _ _ - Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 489 97 88 674 9 197 123 224 1 580 11 124 _ 145 70 20 4 239 _ _ 1 427 _ — _ Strandasýsla 346 100 67 513 10 575 - 332 5 290 16 197 _ 241 119 42 14 416 _ _ 686 _ - _ Kaupstaður town1) 22 1 1 24 63 3 3 69 - 1 - - - 1 - - 67 - - - Norðurland North 10 570 2 247 1 862 14 679 176 180 170 4 086 31 620 212 056 77 4 535 5 041 1 015 552 11 143 _ _ 11 862 12 28 132 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 678 167 172 1 017 23 977 25 599 4 076 28 677 _ 755 1 111 217 136 2 219 _ _ 566 _ 12 - Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 1 295 287 248 1 830 31 189 28 750 5 236 37 203 _ 1 101 1 502 265 140 3 008 _ _ 1 061 7 9 2 Skagafjarðarsýsla 1 814 497 197 2 508 38 789 27 913 6 607 46 336 _ 1 487 1 803 344 187 3 821 _ - 878 - 7 - Eyjafjarðarsýsla 3 812 679 618 5 109 24 641 16 666 4 173 29 496 _ 488 354 122 55 1 019 _ _ 4 845 - _ 20 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 2 163 436 439 3 038 31 640 38 687 6 570 38 935 17 395 173 36 19 623 _ _ 2 795 — - 12 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 319 58 92 469 23 853 34 424 4 482 28 793 60 239 69 19 9 336 _ _ 757 5 _ 3 Kaupstaðir towns1) 489 123 96 708 2 091 2 47 476 2 616 - 70 29 12 6 117 - - 960 - - 95 Austurland East 1 962 547 742 3 251 85 052 392 1 616 16 319 103 379 21 713 631 185 69 1 598 _ _ 5 125 16 45 36 Norður-Múlasýsla 705 193 266 1 164 42 188 79 771 7 734 50 772 11 396 298 88 24 806 _ _ 1 988 _ - - Suður-Múlasýsla 876 224 309 1 409 31 048 102 631 6 034 37 815 10 217 193 61 22 493 _ _ 2 282 16 43 36 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 376 129 166 671 11 740 211 213 2 538 14 702 _ 100 140 36 23 299 _ _ 790 - 2 - Kaupstaðir towns1) 5 1 1 7 76 1 13 90 - - - - - - - - 65 - - - Suðurland South 12 157 2 389 1 882 16 428 114 422 522 2 159 26 263 143 366 _ 3 392 3 227 1 039 515 8 173 _ _ 10 554 _ _ 120 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 892 203 226 1 321 30 346 340 389 4 379 35 454 _ 335 159 58 34 586 _ _ 1 108 _ _ _ Rangárvallasýsla 4 877 1 085 714 6 676 33 883 41 783 8 810 43 517 _ 1 459 2 070 550 316 4 395 _ _ 2 378 _ - - Árnessýsla 6 239 1 076 929 8 244 50 141 141 985 13 049 64 316 _ 1 593 998 431 165 3 187 _ _ 6 768 _ _ 120 Kaupstaður town1) 149 25 13 187 52 ~ 2 25 79 - 5 - - - 5 - - 300 - - - Allt landið Iceland 33 821 7 233 6 087 47141 513 071 1330 11147 108 994 634 542 98 11 815 11 060 2 878 1 420 27 173 - - 58 473 128 91 640 Þar af f Sýslur districts 32 721 7 007 5 937 45 665 510 025 1 328 11 066 108 222 630 641 98 11 696 11 018 2 862 1 413 26 989 51 621 128 91 529 of this { Kaupstaðir towns .... 1 100 226 150 1 476 3 046 2 81 772 3 901 - 119 42 16 7 184 - - 6 852 — 111 1) Sjá neðaumálsgreinar við töflu I tee notet to Table I.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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