Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 122

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1959, Qupperneq 122
50 Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 1 1000 kr. Tafla XII B. Tilkostnaður við framleiðslu landbúnaðar Expenditure of agricultural producer. Translation of headings: See Table XII A Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns P 3 ** w:s? t. u S 2 O.IO >. > II <2 r* »3 f K S *o 'O w Rekstrarvö 3 u j 5 '3*2 a s rur o. J8 | ■o 2 < ‘3 Suðvesturland South- West 19 481 18 928 1 595 9 074 490 Gullbringusýsla 1 632 2 224 237 724 16 Kjósarsýsla 3 885 4 404 204 1 518 333 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 6 117 4 703 346 2 549 29 Mýrasýsla 3 324 2 784 247 1 701 44 Snœfellsnessýsla 1 927 2 211 188 1 245 25 Dalasýsla 1 345 1 095 254 1 026 12 Kaupstaðir towns1) 1 251 1 507 119 311 31 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 6 349 4 112 611 3 038 68 Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla 963 407 144 281 5 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla 1 089 854 116 512 11 Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 1 452 685 144 664 16 Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 1 560 1 187 113 587 19 Strandasýsla 1 250 928 91 974 16 Kaupstaður town1) 35 51 3 20 1 Norðurland North 22 796 18 693 2 135 18 083 237 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 2 303 1 616 106 1 472 31 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 3 684 2 598 113 2 245 25 Skagafjarðarsýsla 3 084 3 016 460 2 884 28 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 7 301 6 126 723 4 876 65 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 4 177 3 268 502 4 392 64 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 1 142 1 211 151 1 695 14 Kaupstaðir towns1) 1 105 858 80 519 10 Austurland East 6 003 4 644 954 5 832 139 Norður-Múlasýsla 3 807 1 976 364 2 360 32 Suður-Múlasýsla 1 728 2 020 400 2 165 39 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 468 638 190 1 299 68 Kaupstaðir towns1) “ 10 " 8 ” Suðurland South 24 224 24 377 2 222 16 699 416 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 2 426 1 405 329 2 189 8 Rangárvallasýsla 9 503 8 247 1 113 6 711 186 Árnessýsla 12 060 14 322 766 7 634 221 Kaupstaður town1) 235 403 14 165 1 Allt landið Iceland 78 853 70 754 7 517 52 726 1 350 Þar af j Sýslur districts 76 227 67 925 7 301 51 703 1 307 o/ this \ Kaupstaðir towns 2 626 2 829 216 1 023 43 1) Sjá neðanmálsgreinar við töflu I see notes to Table I. Búnaðarskýrslur 1957 51 afurða 1957, eftir sýslum. Bændur aðeins. 1957, by districts. Farmers only. Kostnaður við landbúnaðar- vélar og tæki 0 b.S *S «o sja a C § ! fi b H 2 S u £ s 'S 5,«o_.5P Kí~'> 8« Aðkeyptur flutningur 2* B J3 '5>a •- ± wí Keyptur búpeningur Annar rekstrnrkostnaður «) O ’Sá a mm u *o a s S 65 ð > ð tc—» ° s £ 2 >» t£ Ph o bfl O ajj! '5 *> C x 6 S ö o > O a *< £ *o »o >< 136 2 324 5 164 719 3 072 1729 727 3 151 5 184 71 774 22 139 420 80 229 115 70 8 558 6 474 22 422 1 001 150 792 444 248 55 985 14 463 32 601 1 432 159 1 256 503 101 173 1 220 19 221 23 393 912 217 542 304 117 106 1 084 11 798 22 445 627 68 184 228 88 224 639 8 121 10 279 575 41 27 99 75 2 585 513 7 936 5 45 197 4 42 36 28 - 185 3 761 64 1 147 1 437 254 433 420 453 1 992 1 940 22 318 8 163 185 2 - 50 154 36 226 2 624 19 259 265 - 90 53 43 142 313 3 766 23 260 347 52 168 79 29 242 402 4 563 6 225 324 152 128 141 124 118 473 5 157 8 231 304 39 47 97 89 1 454 517 6 045 - 9 12 9 - - 14 - 9 163 217 4 424 7 363 760 3 582 1 992 826 1 515 8 076 90 699 5 449 433 49 262 153 55 54 681 7 669 20 583 755 98 416 227 162 475 1 425 12 826 15 679 1 110 12 410 354 101 266 1 339 13 758 112 1 147 2 551 500 1 576 401 285 288 2 158 28 109 45 1 083 1 686 9 858 576 106 85 1 618 18 469 8 347 562 44 - 204 60 347 675 6 460 12 136 266 48 60 77 57 - 180 3 408 248 1 316 1 894 669 183 884 130 556 2 374 25 826 66 542 774 406 37 491 60 442 1 078 12 435 52 502 730 252 53 287 52 114 971 9 365 130 266 389 11 93 106 18 - 325 4 001 - 6 1 - “ - - 25 837 3 836 7 827 788 8 060 1 741 870 293 6 679 98 869 75 486 660 45 423 38 21 20 570 8 695 553 1 419 3 287 216 2 952 385 192 100 2 241 37 105 209 1 892 3 815 466 4 676 1 296 615 173 3 752 51 897 - 39 65 61 9 22 42 - 116 1 172 1 502 13 047 23 685 3190 15 330 6 766 3 006 7 507 24 253 309 486 1 485 12 812 23 144 3 068 15 219 6 631 2 865 7 507 23 763 300 957 17 1 235 541 122 111 135 141 — 490 8 529 7
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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