
Jökull - 01.12.1970, Síða 3

Jökull - 01.12.1970, Síða 3
ihV.íT M JÖKULL Á R S R I T JÖ KLARAN NSÓ K N AFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS 20. ÁR REYKJAVÍK 1970 Rannsóknir á Bárðarbungu 1969 og 1970 PÁLL THEODÓRSSON, RAUNVÍSINDASTOFNUN HASKOLANS ABSTRACT Deuterium and, Tritium in Ice Cores from Bárdarbunga on Vatnajökull The isotopic composition of an ice core taken through the Greenland ice sheet has given valu- a,ble information about past climatic changes. Glaciers in Iceland might preserve a similar record. The record could be destroyed by melt- water in a temperate glacier. The northwestern part of the Vatnajökull glacier (Bárdarbunga, altitude 2000 meters) would be most likely of all glaciers in Iceland to preserve the original isotopic composition. The airticle describes the preliminary work that has been catrried out on Bárdarbunga in 1969 and 1970 as a prepara- tion for drilling through the ice cap, mainly in order to obtain information about climatic changes in Iceland. The main points of the work reported are the following. 1) Samples of ice doxon to a depth of 27 met- ers have been taken by digging a 10 m deep pit and by drilling a 17 m deep hole from the bottom of the pit xuith a mechanical drill. Deuterium (Árnason 1970) and tritium measure- LAMDE 3 0 ments show that there is little isotopic exchange between the ice and meltwater. 2) A 108 xn deep h.ole has been drilled wilh a thermal drill. This drill, however, melts the core partly a,nd often no core was recovered at all. Deuterium (Arnason 1970) and tritium in this core have been measured, and the results of the tritum measurements are given in the article. 3) Temperature measurements show that Bárdarbunga is a temperate glacier, in spile of an estimated mean annual temperature of -6° C. 4) Valuable experience has been gained in drilling with a mechanical and thermal drill. 9) Txuo ash layers xuere found in the 108 rn deep borehole, at a depth of 80 m and 101 m. These are from volcanic eruptions in Iceland in 1934 and 1918. Very thin ash layers are easily detected in the clear ice. 6) The thickness of the ice cap at Bárdar- bunga has been estimated from gravimetry. As a result of this work it is noxu planned to drill through the ice cap of Bárdarbunga in 1972. , ' -DOKAoAFfl j JÖKULL 20. ÁR ] n 5 0 0 7 | ISLANDS
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