
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1976, Qupperneq 82

Jökull - 01.12.1976, Qupperneq 82
Grímsvatnahlaupið 1976 SIGURJÓN RIST, VATNAMÆLINGAR, ORKUSTOFNUN ABSTRACT A jökulhlaup from Grímsvötn into Skeidará commenced on Sept. 4, 1976. The flood reached its peak on Sept. 22 and was over on Oct. 2 (Fig. 1). The total water volume amounted to 2.4 kms. The last burst before this one occurred in March 1972 and totalled 3.2 km3. The volume ratio is in agreement with the ratio of accumulation periods which were 6 years and 5 months for the 1972 burst and 4 years and 5 months for the 1976 burst. The river Skeidará yielded similar volume of water in both bursts, but in 1972 the river Gigja yielded about 0.8 kms in addition to the water that came to Skeidará. The recent bridge over Skeidará, which was built in 1974, offered now favorable conditions for observations. In the strongest flow channels the water velocity was too high for conventional current meters. The meter could not be kept at a fixed position. In these channels the velocity was measured with the aid of floats. A wooden vertical pole with crossed vertical plates, loaded with bag of gravel at the lower end and a buoy- ant float at top was thrown into the current and the time required by the float to draw out a fine thread of 50 or 100 m length was re- corded. The pole is carried downflow with the average water velocity at the depth of the cross- ed vertical plates. By varying this depth the velocity could also be measured as a function of depth in the water. The poles could not be retrieved and one pole was thus needed for each measurement. The measurements were very tedious as the river bottorn was rapidly chang- ing. A strong smell of hydrogen sulphide ivas felt during the time of the burst. This is usual but the smell was stronger than during the latest previous bursts. The new construction on Skeidarársandur, the bridges and the dams withstood the flood witli- out damage. This time no icebergs broke off the glacier and no experience could therefore be obtained, how tlie bridge would withstand a flood with colliding icebergs. The water current eroded gravel from the pillars of the bridge, e.g. pillars no. 19 and 20, but this excavation filled again when the erosion moved towards west. The lowering of the ice surface at Grímsvötn was observed during the latter half of the burst. Attempts to reach Grímsvötn at the beginning of the burst failed because of weather condi- tions. A goocl agreement tuas obtained between the volume of the water carried by Skeidará and the decrease of stored water in Grímsvötn. AÐDRAGANDI Þegar Ragnar Stefánsson bóndi í Hæðum í Skaftafelli kom út á hlaðvarpann árla morguns 4. september 1976, sló fyrir hægum vestan and- vara sem bar að vitum hans kunnan þef. Það var ekki um að villast, brennisteinslykt var í lofti. Lykt sú er öræfingar nefna jöklafýlu. Ragnar grunaði strax, að hér væri á ferðinni fyrsti boðberi um það, að Grímsvatnahlaup væri að hefjast. Grímsvötn hlupu síðast í mars 1972 og með hliðsjón af tímalengd milli fjög- urra síðustu hlaupa, var ekki að búast við hlaupi, fyrr en upp úr miðju ári 1977. Spurst höfðu þó út þau tíðindi, að sennilega yrðu Grímsvötnin með fyrra fallinu. Vorleiðangur Jöklarannsóknafélags Islands mældi stöðu vatns- borðs í Grímsvötnum 1425 m y. s. hinn 20. júní 1976. Helgi Björnsson jöklafræðingur taldi lík- legt að búast mætti við hlaupi, þegar kornið væri fram í mars 1977. Ragnar sá ekkert óvenjulegt við Skeiðará. Hún var mikil og dökk af korgi eins og vera bar eftir úrkomur og hlýindi. Hvarvetna var vöxtur í vatni. „Þetta skýrist næstu daga,“ sagði Ragnar. Flokkur vegavinnumanna bjó í skálum suður 80 JÖKULL 26. ÁR
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