
Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 83

Jökull - 01.12.1977, Side 83
Horizontal fluid surface be X- We consider noqtion of the fluid with the velocity vector v (P,t) = (u,v,w) (P,t) and the pressure p (P,t) at the point P = (x,y,z) in F and time t. Under motion the free íluid surface is t). The Eulerian equations of motion for the fluid F take the forrn pDv/Dt = -Vp + pg (16) 'vhere D/Dt is the material derivative and g is the acceleration of gravity. Assuming no fluid sources these equations have to be adjoined by the condition of incompressibility V-v = 0. (17) Disregarding surface tension, the boundary conditions are Dp/Dt | j_0 = 0, Ponfl (18) and n • v = 0, P on r, (19) where n is the outward normal to T- In the case of small amplitude motion, we linearize (16) by neglecting the product terms on the left and assume that p = pb + p where ph is the hydrostatic pressure and p (P,t) is a small perturbation pressure such that |p|«|p|,|. We obtain on the basis of (16) p3tv = -VP (20) and applying (17) to (20) the standard result -V2P = 0 (21) follows revealing tliat p is a harmonic function in 15. The boundary condition for p is dp/dn = 0, P on r. (22) Moreover, since 3zph = gp, the linearized sur- face condition (18) reduces to 9tP + wpg = °’ p on fi- (23) As a final step of linearization, we move the condition (23) from Í1 to X by assuming that Í1 deviates from X by a small vertical amplitude h (S,t) which is positive up. Tlie perturbation pressure on X can then be approximated by P = pgh- The value of the vertical fluid velocity w is assumed to be the same on X as on fl and hence (23) reduces to 3th + w = 0. (25) Inserting w from (25) into the vertical com- ponent of (20) we finally obtain p9tth = 9ZP> P °n X’ (26) which in conjunction witli (21) and (22) is an equation for gravity waves of infinitesimal am- plitude. This form is, however, unsatisfactory since it includes two dependent variables h and p. The situation can be rectified by observing tliat because p is liarmonic in B its cross surface derivative at X can He expressed in terms of the values of P on X with the help of the sur- face operator H defined by (6). Hence, using (24) and (6) we can eliminate p from (26). In carrying out this final step we are also able to generalize (26) by including an impressed pres- sure source term in (24) represented by an impressed surface amplitude ho (S,t). The re- sulting equation is (9tt + gH) h = f, S in X’ (27) tvhere the source term is f = —gHh0. (28) Using the inverse of H defined by (15), we can also restate (27) in the following form (K9tt + g) h = —gh0. (29) The integro-differential equation (27) is our main result, the gravity wave equation to be derived. As stated, it applies to waves of in- finitesimal amplitude on deep water. NORMAL MODES, IMPULSE RESPONSE AND DISPERSION RELATION The gravity wave normal modes are obtained lty assuming for the jth mode hj = iq exp (icojt) (30) and inserting in (27) with f = 0 we obtain the simple mode relation -cof + gXjV2 = 0 (31) JÖKULL27. ÁR 81 (24)
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