
Jökull - 01.12.1988, Síða 22

Jökull - 01.12.1988, Síða 22
Fig. 3. A: Historical recession curves for Svínafells- jökull (North and South) and Skaftafellsjökull, based on annual measurements by the Icelandic Meteorological Office and later by the Icelandic Glaciological Society (since 1932), and lichenometric dating of earlier moraines (Skafta- fellsjökull only). Dates of individual readvances (and of corresponding push-moraines) are indicated. B: Mean annual temperature data for Fagurhólsmýri (15 km southeast of Svínafell), 1903-1985. Mynd 3. A: Línurit yfir hörfun Svínafellsjökuls (nyrðri og syðri) og Skaftafellsjökuls. Línuritið er byggt á árlegum mœlingum Veðurstofu og síðar Jöklarannsóknafélags lslands frá 1932 og á aldurs- greiningum skv. mœlingum á skófum á eldri jökulurðum (á aðeins við um Skaftafellsj ökul). Framrásir og tilsvarandi jökulgarðar eru auðkennd með ártölum á myndinni. B: Meðalárshiti á Fagurhólsmýri 1903-1985. underlying trend upon which shorter-term fluctua- tions are superimposed, and in accounting for the contrasts in behaviour of the two glaciers. The overall rate of retreat of Svínafellsjökull has been much slower than that of Skaftafellsjökull, and has been punctuated by more frequent episodes of readvance (Fig. 3A). This differential response of the two glaciers is thought to be largely a function of the differences in elevation of their respective accumulation areas (King and Ives, 1955), and is reflected in the resulting morphology of the moraines (Figs. 4 and 5). MORPHOLOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE MORAINES The Skaftafellsjökull moraines (Fig. 4A) are for the most part clearly defined and widely separated asymmetric structures with a modest relief of 2 to 3 metres on their steeper distal margins. The Svína- fellsjökull moraines by contrast (Fig. 4B) are much higher features, especially at the southem end where they rise up to 60 metres above the adjacent sandur, and show evidence in the complexity of superim- posed and overlapping ridges, of repeated oscilla- tions of the glacier snout. The crests of individual ridges, both at Svínafellsjökull and Skaftafellsjökull, reflect the intricate scalloped outlines of former positions of the glacier snout, testifying to their ori- gin as ice-marginal rather than subglacial features. Eyles (1978) has suggested that the Skaftafells- jökull ridges represent local thickening of ground moraine (lodgement till) by ice-frontal pushing (as found by Boulton (1986) at Breiðamerkurjökull), whereas Price (1970, 1977), in his detailed study of the fabric and intemal stmcture of morphologically similar moraines at Fjallsjökull, concludes that squeezing of water-soaked till from beneath a rapidly retreating ice-front may be an altemative mechanism. Conditions favourable for the latter pro- cess (rapid recession, abundant meltwater and poor drainage due to low relief) are found at Skaftafells- jökull, but there is also evidence for minor push- moraine formation along the present margin of the glacier. It seems likely therefore that most ridges here will have been formed by a combination of 20 JÖKULL, No. 38, 1988
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