Jökull - 01.12.1988, Page 36
the two survey periods.
Morphological and depositional features associ-
ated with the glacier burst of 1983 (Caseldine,
1985a) could no longer be observed in 1986. The
gullied area at the source of the burst had been over-
ridden by ice and the thin spread of redeposited till
found overlying snow in front of the glacier had
been thoroughly reworked by meltwater emanating
from the snout.
The survey work was carried out with the help of
Liz Bracey, Nicola Caukwell, Helen Stewart and
Helen Wharam and thanks are due to all those who
supported the expedition especially The Royal Geo-
graphical Society, William Cadbury Charitable
Trust and Wild Instruments. Hans Stötter kindly sup-
plied the information for 1987 and the map was
drawn by Terry Bacon. Permission to work in the
area was given by the Icelandic Research Council.
Björnsson, H. 1971: Baegisárjökull, North Iceland.
Results of glaciological investigations 1967-68.
Part I. Mass balance and general meteorology.
Jökull, 21: 1-23.
Caseldine, C.J. and R.A. Cullingford, 1981: Recent
mapping of Gljúfurárjökull and Gljúfurárdalur.
Jökull, 31: 11-22.
Caseldine, C.J. 1983: Resurvey of the margins of
Gljúfurárjökull and the chronology of recent
deglaciation. Jökull, 33: 111-118.
Caseldine, CJ. 1985a: Survey of Gljúfurárjökull
and features associated with a glacier burst in
Gljúfurárdalur, Northem Iceland. Jökull, 35: 61-
Caseldine, C.J. 1985b: The extent of some glaciers
in Northem Iceland during the Little Ice Age and
the nature of recent deglaciation. Geographical
Joumal, 151: 215-227.
Nákvæmar landmælingar á sporði Gljúfurárjökuls
árin 1983 og 1986 sýna að framgangur jökulsins er
mun hægari á þessu árabili en á miðjum áttunda ára-
tugnum. Líklegt er að undir lok tímabilsins hafi
jökullinn verið farinn að hörfa. Athuganir árið 1987
staðfesta að jökullinn er farinn að hörfa. Hraði
jökulskriðsins í grennd við sporðinn hefur einnig
minnkað úr 25.3 ma“' milli áranna 1979 og 1981 í
23.2 ma-1 milli áranna 1983 og 1986.
34 JÖKULL, No. 38, 1988