
Jökull - 01.12.1988, Síða 61

Jökull - 01.12.1988, Síða 61
correspond to the Furuvík glaciations on Tjömes (cf. Eiríksson, 1981). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The samples were made available by Karl Gunnarsson and Margrét Kjartansdóttir of Orku- stofnun (National Energy Authority), Reykjavík. The potassium analyses were made by geology stu- dents Már Vilhjálmsson and Elinóra I. Sigurðardóttir, University of Iceland. Níels Oskars- son of the Nordic Volcanological Institute super- vised the analytical work in Iceland and modified the analytical procedure. Dr. Aslaug Geirsdóttir drafted the diagrams skilfully. Dr. J.A. Miller at the Bullard Laboratories, Cambridge was of invaluable help. The radiometric work in Cambridge was made possible by a grant from the Icelandic Science Fund. REFERENCES Albertsson K.J. 1978: Um aldur jarðlaga á Tjömesi. (Some notes on the age of the Tjömes strata sequence, northem Iceland, in Icelandic). Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 48, 1-8. Albertsson K.J., Hooker PJ. and Miller J.A. 1982: A brief K-Ar age study of the IRDP borehole, Reyðarfjörður, Eastem Iceland. J. Geophys. Res. 87, 6566-6568. BaksiA. K. 1974: Isotopic fractionation of a loosely held atmospheric argon component in the Picture Gorge basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 21, 431- 438. Bárðarson G. 1925: A stratigraphical survey of the Pliocene deposits at Tjömes in northem Iceland. K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., Biol. Medd. 4, (5), 118 pp. Dalrymple G.B. and Hirooka K. 1965: Variation of potassium, argon and calculated age in a Late Cenozoic basalt. J. Geophys. Res. 70, 5291-5296. Einarsson T. 1958: A survey of the area Tjömes - Bárðardalur in Northem Iceland, including paleo- magnetic studies. Soc. Sci. Isl. Rit 32,79 pp. Einarsson Th., Hopkins D.M. and Doell R.R. 1967: The stratigraphy of Tjömes, northem Iceland and the history of the Bering Land Bridge. In: Hop- kins, D.M. (ed.), The Bering Land Bridge. 312- 325. Stanford University Press. Stanford. Eiríksson J. 1985: Facies Analysis of the Breidavík Group sediments on Tjömes. Acta Nat. Isl. 31, 56 pp. Eiríksson J., Guðmundsson A. and Símonarson L.A. 1987: Setmyndun í Tjömes- brotabeltinu í ljósi kjamabomnar í Flatey á Skjálfanda. (Sedimenta- tion in the Tjömes Fracture Zone as seen in a drill core from the island of Flatey, Skjálfandi, in Ice- landic). Science Institute, RH-07-87, 85 pp. Reykjavík. Evans A.L, Fitch F.J. and Miller J.A. 1973: Potassium-argon age determinations on some British Tertiary igneous rocks. J. Geol. Soc. Lon- don 129,419-443. Grasty R.L. 1964: Dating basic rocks for use in palaeomagnetism. Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 112 pp. Grasty R.L. and Miller J.A. 1965: The omegatron, a useful tool for argon isotope studies. Nature 207, 1146-1148. Gunnarsson K., Kjartansdóttir M., Eiríksson J. and Símonarson L.A. 1984: Rannsóknarborun í Flatey á Skjálfanda. Hola Fl-1. (in Icelandic) National Energy Authority OS-84052/JHD-10, 75 pp. Mankinen E.A. and Dalrymple G.B. 1979: Revised geomagnetic time scale for the interval 0-5 m.y. B.P. J. Geophys. Res. 84, 615-626. McDougall L, Watkins N.D. and Kristjánsson L. 1976: Geochronology and paleomagnetism of a Miocene-Pliocene lava sequence at Bessastadaa, eastem Iceland. Am. J. Sci. 276, 1078-1095. Pálmason G. 1974: Insular margins of Iceland. In: Burk C.A. and Drake C.L. (ed.), The geology of continental margins. New York, Springer-Verlag, 375-379. Sœmundsson K. 1974: Evolution of the axial rifting zone in Northem Iceland and the Tjömes Fracture Zone. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 85,495-504. Steiger R.H. and Jáger E. 1977: Subcommission on geochronology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geo- and cosmochronology. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 36, 359-362. Strauch F. 1963: Zur Geologie von Tjömes (Nordisland) (in German). Sonderveröff. Geol. JÖKULL, No. 38, 1988 59
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