Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 71

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 71
THE ICELANDIC WHETSTONE MATERIAL - AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH was almost exclusively exported aí'ter the factories took over the market in the late 19th century (Livland, 1992, 37-49). The softer stone was preferred locally in Norway and was believed to give a better edge (Livland, 1992, 67). The softer stone type is most often seen in Viking Age and medieval collections in Iceland, but both types are present. This type had to be retrieved by hand and the geological ores for this type remained in the possession of the local farmers. On the other hand, the hardstone could be retrieved by using dynamite, which suited the factory mass production better. Nearly all collections analyzed in Iceland show a predominance of the Eidsborg schist type, with the exception of Herjolfsdalur in the Westman Islands and Hrísbrú in the Mosfell Valley, both early settlement sites. All examined whetstone collections from post-medieval sites consisted of 80% or more of this stone type. The Eidsborg whetstone production was stopped around 1950 by the Norrona factory due to the increasingly hard competition from the new carborundum whetstones and the grinding machines which had taken over the market. Dark grey schist Second to the Eidsborg schist type, the most commonly found whetstone type in Iceland belongs to the dark grey schist group. In the pre-medieval period it often makes up at least 20% of the collections, but seems to almost disappear in the post-medieval contexts. Individual examples of this type have been recorded in later contexts, but the only real exception recorded is from the episcopal see at Skálholt where 14 whetstones or whetstone fragments (4.3%) from the post-medieval collection were made of dark grey schist. This group consists of very finely grained, dark grey mica schist types, which in the Icelandic collections can be found with a purplish, green or blue tint but most commonly as dark grey with a silvery tint. It has not been possible to accurately provenance date this group of dark grey whetstones, which can be found geologically in a large belt crossing Scandinavia, Scotland, Ireland and areas in central Europe (Mitchell & al. 1984). It has been suggested that the most probable origin is located within the central-southem Caledonides of Norway (Crosby et al.1987, 502). Resi notes in her study of the whetstones from Kaupang, that the variation within this type indicates that raw material might not derive from a single site, but could have been extracted from several different sites and distributed through a less centralized trade system (Resi, 2008, 24-25). Clearly more research into this field is required to fully understand this category of schist whetstones within a broader Scandinavian and North Atlantic context. Together with the light grey Eidsborg schist, this group of dark grey whetstones was predominant in the westem and northem part of the Viking world. They seem to have been working together as some sort of set, with the finely grained but slightly coarser Eidsborg stone used first and the very fine-grained dark grey stone for fmishing the edges. The studies so far reveal a drastic decrease in the distribution of this dark grey type during 69
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Archaeologia Islandica

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