Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 73

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 73
THE ICELANDIC WHETSTONE MATERIAL - AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH This study also attempted to identify the common form or forms that the imported whetstone material had when it was introduced to the Icelandic user. Did the whetstones arrive as raw material in large blocks, as rough prefabricates, or as fmished and polished whetstones? And is production or reshaping at all identifiable in any of the Icelandic sites? There are only few known examples in Iceland of raw material and most of them are not datable and are registered as stray finds in the National Museum of Iceland (Eldjám and Friðriksson 2000, 352). Recently a few examples have been found at Skálholt in post-medieval contexts, both a raw material block and possible prefabricates, cut in the right size but still unpolished and not readily usable as a whetstone. Trade in whetstone blocks of raw material is well-known and represented archaeologically by shipwrecks with cargo loads of raw material of Eidsborg stone. Best known are the Klástad ship (Christensen 1978; Myrvoll 1986, 174) and the Bole ship (Daly and Nymoen 2008). In addition, several shiploads of whetstones have been found along the Norwegian coast and systematically registered in recent years by Pál Nymoen (2011, 67). The blocks of raw material would have been cut down into a few large whetstones or several medium or small-sized whetstones. Possible production fragments from reshaping the raw material into whetstones and a few possible prefabricates have been identified at the harbor site of Gásir (high medieval), while several small production fragments were recovered ffom one of the booths at Kolkuós harbor, which is so far the best indication of whetstone production in Iceland (early medieval). However, there are no examples of either raw material or clear production waste írom any of the Viking Age sites analyzed in Iceland, whereas there is strong archaeological evidence from sites in Scandinavia, showing that schist arrived in the towns and trading sites as raw material and was reshaped for export (i.e. Haithabu and Kaupang). But the small scale of the possible Icelandic production probably involving a small number of whetstones made ffom one or a few blocks of raw material for personal use at local farmsteads, might not leave much identifiable material in the archaeological, especially when compared to the Scandinavian towns and trading sites. Overview of type, shape and use As individual finds, whetstones are generally not datable as the same stone types were used for centuries. Also, the lack of variation in shapes or styles over time means that no secure typology of whetstones has been developed. Therefore, the focus of this research has been on excavations where modem dating methods have been employed and good stratigraphic phasing is present. After having analyzed a sizable amount of the Icelandic whetstone collection, a number of general trends can be recognized in the sizes and shapes of the whetstones. The most common type is the bar-shaped whetstone with parallel sides and quadrangular cross section. The sides and the cross sections are often not regular in shape due to intensive use of the stone and 71
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Archaeologia Islandica

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