Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 105
e.g. (Morris 1995, 123). Full details of
the reference should be provided in a sep-
arate bibliography at the end of the paper,
using set conventions as in the examples
below. Note that surname or patronym
will always come first, even for Icelandic
names, and order will follow alphabeti-
Examples of References:
McGovem, T. H. (1994) "Management
for Extinction in Norse Greenland", in:
Crumley, C. L. (ed.) Historical Ecology.
Cultural Knowledge and Changing
Landscapes, pp.127-154, Santa Fe:
School of American Research Press.
Morris, C.D. and Rackham, D.J. eds.
(1992) Norse and Later Settlement and
Subsistence in the North Atlantic,
Glasgow: University of Glasgow
Snæsdóttir, Mjöll. (1989) "Stóraborg. En
presentation", Hikuin XV, 53-58.
Sveinbjamadóttir, Guðrún. (1992) Farm
Abandonment in Medieval and Post-
Medieval Iceland: an Interdisciplinary
Study (Oxbow Monograph 17), Oxford:
to all submissions in as short a time as
possible, but the review process may typ-
ically take 4-12 weeks.
Authors will receive one set of proofs for
review; please note that only minor cor-
rections can be made at this stage, and
any major changes to the manuscript may
result in deferral or cancellation of publi-
All submissions will be reviewed by one
or more referees, and acceptance for pub-
lication will be dependent on their com-
ments. The editor endeavors to respond