Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 52

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 52
ADOLF FRIÐRIKSSON AND ORRI VÉSTEINSSON LANDSCAPES OF BURIAL: CONTRASTING THE PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN PARADIGMS OF BURIAL IN VIKING AGE AND MEDIEVAL ICELAND Presenting a long-tenn view of the numerical development of cemeteries in Viking age and medieval Iceland this paper argues that although there are distinct differences between the pagan and Christian burial paradigms those differences mask more fundamental processes reflecting the gradual consolidation of community as the primary reference for personal identity. Whereas in the 1 Oth century every farm had its own cemetery, this number was reduced by half following the conversion to Christianity with the poorest farms most likely to lose their cemetery. Compared to other parts of Christian Europe that still left a very high proportion of fanns with their own cemeteries but in the following centuries the majority seems to have fallen out of use resulting, by the 16th century at the latest, in a system where most people were buried in a parish cemetery. The changes in burial practice in the Christian period remain poorly understood and require further research. While the conversion to Christianity around 1000 involved a very real change in attitudes to the dead, where their exclusion and marginalisation was replaced by inclusion and appropriation, a very fundamental ideological shift, the permutations of this change as reflected in burial locations is, we argue, more revealing about the social structure at the time. This paper is a product of the project Death and burial in lceland for 1150 years which aims to throw further light on these issues. Adolf Friðriksson, Fornleifastofnun Islands, Bámgötu 3, 101, Reykjavík, Iceland Email: Orri Vésteinsson, Department of Archaeology, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland. Email: Keywords: Viking Age, Middle ages, Burial, Conversion, Landscape Introduction Since the Upper Palaeolithic humans have disposed of their dead in ways that are meaningful, reflecting ideas and beliefs in a systematic way amenable, in the case of burials and funerary monuments, to study and interpretation. As a rule it is the burials themselves, the skeletal remains, grave goods and other ítimishings as well as mounds or other monuments built on top, which have been the focus of attention and this is what most would identify as the essence of burial or funerary archaeology. It has however long been recognized that the locations of burials are also the result of choices which are meaningful in a variety of ways and that these can be studied just as ffuitfully ARCHAEOLOGIA ISLANDICA 9 (2011) 50-64
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Archaeologia Islandica

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