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Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2013, Qupperneq 49

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2013, Qupperneq 49
157 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags exist. Comparison between the Ice- landic health limit and the WHO guide- line may not be very useful because the Icelandic health limit is based on the long term public health effects of H2S, but the WHO guideline is based on ad- verse effects. Occupational exposure standards and limits, the maximum concentration of a pollutant in the work environment, both in Iceland and Europe, are close to concentrations con- sidered harmful to human health, an indication that they should be studied further. Concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the capital city area, measured at Grensásvegur (GRE) in Reykjavík and Hvaleyrarholt (HEH) in Hafnar- fjörður, exceeded the health limit value for 19 hours at GRE (all in 2010), but never at HEH in 2010–2012. The concen- tration would be over the health limit value for 1000±280 hours per year (on average for 2010–2012) if the reference value is 10 µg/m3. The concentration measured at both stations shows a strong seasonal signal where H2S, is lower in the summer than in winter, probably because of higher probability of an inversion during winter. Þakkir Árið 2010 tóku þátt í talningunum þau Snævarr Örn Georgsson, Þórey Ketilsdóttir, Þorlákur Snær Helgason, Hörður Ólafsson og Ólafur Larsen. Lovísa Ásbjörnsdóttir vann kortin. Er aðstoð þeirra kærlega þökkuð. Ritrýnar Náttúrufræðingsins fá þakkir fyrir góðar ábendingar. Heimildir 1. Þröstur Þorsteinsson, Hackenbruch, J., Einar Sveinbjörnsson & Þorsteinn Jóhannsson 2013. Statistical assessment and modeling of the effects of weather conditions on H2S plume dispersal from Icelandic geothermal power plants. Geothermics 45. 31–40. 2. [WHO] World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe 2000. Air Quality Guidelines for Europe. Second Edition (viðauki við kafla 6.6). http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/123076/AQG 2ndEd_6_6Hydrogensulfide.PDF (skoðað 15.1.2013). 3. Hrefna Kristmannsdóttir, Magnús Sigurgeirsson, Halldór Ármannsson & Hreinn Hjartarson 2000. Sulfur gas emissions from geothermal power plants in Iceland. Geothermics 29 (4–5). 525–538. 4. Ingvi Gunnarsson, Bergur Sigfússon, Andri Stefánsson, Stefán Arnórsson, Scott, S.W. & Einar Gunnlaugsson 2011. Injection of H2S from Hellis- heiði Power Plant, Iceland. Proceedings, 36. Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, California, January 31 – February 2, 2011. 5. Orkuveita Reykjavíkur, Landsvirkjun & HS Orka 2013. Verkefnaáætlun SulFix um förgun brennisteinsvetnis frá jarðgufuvirkjunum. https:// www.or.is/media/PDF/Verkefnisaaetlun_SulFix_heimildir.pdf (skoðað 11.4.2013). 6. Durand, M. & Wilson, J.G. 2006. Spatial analysis of respiratory disease on an urbanized geothermal field. Environmental Research 101. 238–245. 7. Bates, M.N., Garrett, N., Crane, J. & Balmes, JR. 2013. Associations of ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure with self-reported asthma and asthma symptoms. Environmental Research 122. 81–87. 8. [WHO] World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe 2000. Air Quality Guidelines for Europe, Second Edition. Kaupmannahöfn: WHO. 9. The Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits of the Euro- pean Commission 2007. Recommendation from the SCOEL for Hydro- gen Sulphide. http://ec.europa.eu/social/keyDocuments.jsp?policyAr ea=&type=0&country=0&year=0&advSearchKey=hydrogen+sulfide&m ode=advancedSubmit&langId=en (skoðað 10.4.2013). 10. Reglugerð um styrk brennisteinsvetnis í andrúmslofti nr. 514/2010. 11. Umhverfis- og auðlindaráðuneytið 2010. Reglugerð um leyfilegt magn brennisteinsvetnis í andrúmslofti. http://www.umhverfisraduneyti.is/ frettir/nr/1668 (skoðað 20.1.2013). 12. Reglugerð um mengunarmörk og aðgerðir til að draga úr mengun á vinnustöðum nr. 390/2009 13. Reglugerð um breytingu á reglugerð nr. 390/2009 um mengunarmörk og aðgerðir til að draga úr mengun á vinnustöðum nr. 1296/2012. 14. Aðildarviðræður Íslands og ESB 2009–2013. Samningsafstaða Íslands, 19. kafli, félagsmál og vinnumál. Ríkjaráðstefna um aðild Íslands að Evrópusambandinu. http://www.vidraedur2009-2013.is/media/ESB/ samningskaflar/19/19.-kafli-samningsafstada.PDF (skoðað 2.2.2014). 15. Department of employment, social affairs & inclusion of the European Commission 2013. The Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL). http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=148&langI d=en&intPageId=684 (skoðað 14.4.2013). 16. The World Bank 2013. Indicators – GDP per capita (Current US$). http:// data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD (skoðað 26.2.2013). 17. OECD 2012. OECD Better Life Index. http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex. org (skoðað 20.3.2013). 18. Hawaii State Department of Health 2005. 2005 Annual Summary Hawaii Air Quality Data. State of Hawaii Department of Health Clean Air Branch, Hawaii. http://hawaii.gov/health/environmental/air/cab/ cabmaps/pdf/2005_aqbook.pdf (skoðað 7.1.2013). 19. Maine Department of Health & Human Services 2006. Ambient Air Guidelines for Hydrogen Sulfide. http://www.maine.gov/dep/waste/ publications/documents/ambientairguidelines.pdf (skoðað 24.1.2013). 20. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 1972. Regu- lation and Enforcement Chapter III – Air Resources Subpart 257-10: Ambient Air Quality Standard–Hydrogen Sulfide. http://www.dec. ny.gov/regs/4144.html (skoðað 27.1.2013). 21. Ministry for the Environment 2002. Ambient Air Quality Guidelines 2002 Update. http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/air/ambient-air- quality-may02/ambient-guide-may02.pdf (skoðað 27.1.2013). 22. British Columbia Ministry of Environment 2009. Air Quality Objectives and Standards. http://www.bcairquality.ca/reports/pdfs/aqotable.pdf (skoðað 25.1.2013). 23. Ontario Ministry of the Environment 2012. Ontarios Ambient Air Qual- ity Criteria. http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/ lr/@ene/@resources/documents/resource/std01_079182.pdf (skoðað 30.1.2013). 24. Health Protection Agency 2011. HPA Compendium of Chemical Haz- ards: Hydrogen Sulphide. http://www.hpa.org.uk/webc/HPAwebFile/ HPAweb_C/1246260029655 (skoðað 20.1.2013). 25. URS Australia 2007. Air and Greenhouse Gas Assessment Appendix M. http://www.gladstonepacific.com.au/clientuploads/EIS_Appendices/ GPNL_EIS_Appendix_M_Air_Quality_and_Greenhouse_Gas_Assess- ment.pdf?PHPSESSID=d295ef86cb0a89fe13ce15caa76015af (skoðað 29.1.2013). 26. Ministry of Environment & Forests 2000. Environmental Standards for Ambient Air, Automobiles, Fuels, Industries and Noise. http://www. ecacwb.org/editor_upload/files/Environmental%20Standards.pdf (skoðað 28.1.2013). 27. Chen, S., Hsieh, L., Hwang, W., Xu, H. & Kao, J. 2003. Abatement of Odor Emissions from Landfills Using Natural Effective Microorganism Enzime. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 3 (1). 28. Manitoba Department of Conservation and Water Stewardship 2005. Manitoba Ambient Air Quality Criteria. http://www.gov.mb.ca/conser- vation/envprograms/airquality/pdf/criteria_table_update_july_2005. pdf (skoðað 26.1.2013). 29. Alberta Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development 2013. Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines Summary. http://environment.gov.ab.ca/info/library/5726.pdf (skoðað 26.1.2013). 30. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2006. Toxicological Profile for Hydrogen Sulfide. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/ tp114.pdf (skoðað 1.2.2013). 31. Department of Environmental Air Quality 2007. Air Quality Programs & Rules. http://deq.mt.gov/AirQuality/airRules.mcpx undir Chapter 8 (skoðað 11.3.2013). 32. Environmental Protection Agency 2012. National Ambient Air Quality Standards. http://www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html (skoðað 22.2.2013). 33. Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide 2004. Human Health Risk Assessment of Pollutant Levels in the Vicinity of the „Severstal“ Facil- ity in Cherepovets. http://www.elaw.org/system/files/Fadeyeva- HealthAssessment.doc (skoðað 1.2.2013). 34. The International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group 2006. Cumulative Impact Study: Uruguay Pulp Mills. Annex C: Air Qual- ity Assessment. http://www.offnews.info/downloads/Uruguay_CIS_ AnnexC_Oct2006.pdf (skoðað 2.2.2013). 35. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir, Sigurður Magnús Garðarsson & Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir 2014. Spatial distribution of hydrogen sulfide from two geo- thermal power plants. Atmospheric Environment 82. 60–70. 36. Heilbrigðiseftirlit Reykjavíkur 2004. Loftgæðamælingar í Reykjavík. http://www.loft.rvk.is/ (skoðað 25.1.2013).
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