Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.06.1998, Page 52

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.06.1998, Page 52
Ráðstefnur The 12th World Congress on Medical Law Siófok, Ungverjalandi, 2,- 6. ágúst, 1998 XXII International Congress of Pediatrics Amsterdam, Hollandi, 9.-14. ágúst 1998 17th International Cancer Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brasilíu 23. - 28. ágúst 1998 ICN Conference on Occupational Hazards - Caring for Those who Care Washington, D.C., Bandaríkjunum 25. - 26. ágúst 1998 10th International Conference on Cancer Nursing Cancer Nursing: Hope and Vision Jerusalem, ísrael 30. ágúst - 4. september 1998 Sykepleie - Handlinger og Holdninger Ósló, Noregi, 4,- 6. september 1998 Norsk Sykepleierforbund International Seminars Quality Improvement in Nursing Oxford, Bretlandi 6.-12. september 1998 Nurse Education Tomorrow Ninth Annual International Participative Conference University of Durham, Bretlandi 8.-10. september, 1998 The Orthopaedic Family - taking orthopaedics forward Á vegum Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom, Society of Orthopaedic Nursing Manchester, Englandi 10. - 13. september 1998 8th International Child Neurology Congress Ljublana, Slóvenía 13.-17. september 1998 Third International Nursing Research Conference Tokyo, Japan, 16.-18. septembr 1998 World Conference on Higher Education -Higher Education in the Twenty- first Century Á vegum UNESCO, mælt með af ICN París, Frakklandi 28. september - 2. október 1998 Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnurnar er að fá á skrifstofu Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Suðurlandsbraut 22, sími 568 7575. Academy og Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) Annual Meeting Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, Bandaríkjunum, 1.-4. október 1998 14th Annual Pediatric Nursing Conference Atlanta, Georgia, Bandaríkjunum 15.-17. október 1998 9th Conference of the European Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (EANAC) Zurich, Sviss, 28. -31. október 1998 The third International Nursing Conference - Empowerment and Health, an Agenda for Nurses in the 21 Century Brunei Darussalam, 1.-4. nóvember 1998 Second International Conference on Expanding Boundaries of Nursing Globally Pattaya, Thailand, 8. -11. nóvember 1998 The International Family Nursing Research Congress Tampere, Finnlandi, 13. -15. maí 1999 Skilafrestur fyrir útdrætti 15. ágúst 1998 ICN Centennial Conference Efni: Celebrating Nursing's past - Claiming the future London, Englandi 27. júní - 1. júlí 1999 The Third International Nursing Research Conference „Connecting Conversations" Madison, Wisconsin, Bandarikjunum, 14. -17. júlí 1999. Skilafrestur fyrir útdrætti 1. ágúst 1998 Vefsíða: http://www.son.wisc.edu/ Netfang: ibgalaro@facstaff.wisc.edu 4th European Mental Health Conference - Valuing Mental Health Nursing Jersey, Channel Islands 19. - 21. febrúar 1999. Frestur fyrir útdrætti 31. júlí 1998 Sólbaösstoa, Eurowave Hartur .úðfeylgjur 568 TO 00 188 Tímarit Hjúkrunarfræðinga • 3. tbl. 74. árg. 1998


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