Morgunblaðið - 03.04.2020, Blaðsíða 22

Morgunblaðið - 03.04.2020, Blaðsíða 22
22 MORGUNBLAÐIÐ FÖSTUDAGUR 3. APRÍL 2020 Tilkynningar Notice of Annual General Meeting JPMorgan Liquidity Funds The meeting will be held at the location and time stated in the right-hand column. Agenda for Meeting and Shareholder Vote  Presentation of the report from Auditors and Board for the past fiscal year. 2 Should shareholders adopt the Audited Annual Report for the past fiscal year? 3 Should shareholders agree to discharge the Board for the performance of its duties for the past fiscal year? 4 Should shareholders approve the Directors' fees for the accounting year ending 30 November 2020? It is proposed that this will be 73,000 for the Chairman and 57,000 for each independent Director. 5 Should John Li How Cheong, Martin Porter and Daniel Watkins be reappointed to the Board for 3 years? 6 Should shareholders re-appoint Pricewaterhouse Coopers Société coopérative as Auditors of the Fund and authorise the Board to agree on their terms of appointment?  Should shareholders approve the payment of any distributions shown in the Audited Annual Report for the past fiscal year? To vote by proxy, use the proxy form at Your form must arrive at the registered office, via post or fax, by 1800 CET on Wednesday, 22 April 2020. To vote in person, attend the meeting in person. T H E M E E T I NG Location Registered office of the Fund (see below) Date and time Friday, 24 April 2020 at 11:00 CET Quorum None required Voting Agenda items will be resolved by a simple majority of the votes cast T H E F U N D Name JPMorgan Liquidity Funds Legal form SICAV - Fund type UCITS Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Société coopérative Registered office 6, route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg Fax +352 3410 8855 Registration number (RCS Luxembourg) B 25 148 Past fiscal year 12 months ended 30 November 2019 Notice of Annual General Meeting JPMorgan Investment Funds The meeting will be held at the location and time stated in the right-hand column. Agenda for Meeting and Shareholder Vote  Presentation of the report from Auditors and Board for the past fiscal year. 2 Should shareholders adopt the Audited Annual Report for the past fiscal year? 3 Should shareholders agree to discharge the Board for the performance of its duties for the past fiscal year? 4 Should shareholders approve the Directors' fees for the accounting year ending 31 December 2020? It is proposed that this will be 57,000 for the Chairman and 46,000 for each independent Director. 5 Should John Li How Cheong, Martin Porter and Daniel Watkins be reappointed to the Board for 3 years? 6 Should shareholders re-appoint Pricewaterhouse Coopers Société coopérative as Auditors of the Fund and authorise the Board to agree on their terms of appointment?  Should shareholders approve the payment of any distributions shown in the Audited Annual Report for the past fiscal year? To vote by proxy, use the proxy form at jpmorganassetmanagement. com/extra. Your form must arrive at the registered office, via post or fax, by 1800 CET on Wednesday, 22 April 2020. To vote in person, attend the meeting in person. T H E M E E T I N G Location Registered office of the Fund (see below) Date and time Friday, 24 April 2020 at 12:00 CET Quorum None required Voting Agenda items will be resolved by a simple majority of the votes cast T H E F U N D Name JPMorgan Investment Funds Legal form SICAV - Fund type UCITS Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Société coopérative Registered office 6, route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg Fax +352 2452 9755 Registration number (RCS Luxembourg) B 49 663 Past fiscal year 12 months ended 31 December 2019 Félagsstarf eldri borgara Bústaðakirkja Kæru vinir, góðar kveðjur til ykkar á tímum covid-19. Við hittumst vonandi þegar grös fara að grænka og sól í heiði. Bestu kveðjur til ykkar og Guð blessi ykkur. Hólmfríður djákni Bækur BOKIN.IS 14.400 sérvaldar bækur til sölu á Þjóðsögur og þjóðlegur fróðleikur. Mikið úrval ljóðabóka eftir okkar bestu höfunda, mikið úrval ljóðabóka eftir konur. Héraðssaga og þjóðleg fræði, skoðið úrval bóka á Skáldsögur, lögfræði, norræn fræði, handbækur, listaverka- bækur, erlend saga, hagfræði, dulræn málefni, matur og vín, ævisögur erlendra manna, stjórnmál, trúmál, heimskauta- ferðir og fjarlæg lönd. Ferðabækur. Erlendar bækur. Viljum sérstaklega minná ört vaxandi netbókabúð okkar þú getur valið úr yfir 30 efnisflokkum bóka og verslar bækur eftir innskráningu. Við afgreiðum og sendum pantanir með Íslandspósti. BÓKIN ehf - Antikvariat. Klapparstigur 25-27. Opið 12-18 virka daga. Laugardaga 13-17. sími 5521710 - 8599090 Netfang: er alltaf opinn Sumarhús Sumarhús – Gestahús – Breytingar  Framleiðum stórglæsileg sumarhús í ýmsum stærðum.  Tökum að okkur stækkun og breytingar á eldri húsum.  Smíðum gestahús – margar útfærslur.  Sjáum um almennt viðhald á sumarhúsum og sólpöllum.  Setjum niður heita potta og smíðum palla og skjólveggi. Áratugareynsla – endilega kynnið ykkur málið. Trésmiðja Heimis, Þorlákshöfn, sími 892-3742 og 483-3693, Iðnaðarmenn Málarar. Tökum að okkur alla almenna málningarvinnu, mjög sangjarnir í verðum. Upplýsingar í síma 782-4540 eða Bílar Nýr Nissan Leaf S 40Kw. Raundrægni um 270 km. Til afhendingar strax. 100% lán mögulegt. Á GAMLA GENGINU: kr. 3.780.000,- Hátúni 6 A – sími 577 3344. Opið kl. 12–18 virka daga. Húsviðhald Tek að mér ýmiskonar húsaviðhald Sótthreinsa húsnæði, hreinsa þakrennur ofl. ofl. Uppl. í síma 847 8704 Smá- og raðauglýsingar Ertu að leita að rétta starfsfólkinu? 75 til 90 þúsund manns, 18 ára og eldri, lesa blöð Morgunblaðsins með atvinnu- auglýsingum í hverri viku* Þrjár birtingar á verði einnar Birt í atvinnublaði   í aldreifingu á fimmtudögum Birt í atvinnublaði   á laugardegi. Sölufulltrúi Richard Richardsson,, 569 1391 * samkvæmt Gallup jan.-mars 2019    



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