Verktækni - 2019, Side 18

Verktækni - 2019, Side 18
18 Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 229-269. Kellerer-Pirklbauer,A., Lieb G.K., Avian M. and Carrivick J. (2012). Climate change and rock fall events in high mountain areas: Numerous and extensive rock falls in 2007 at Mittlerer Burgstall, Central Austria. Geografiska Annalar: Series A, Physical Geography, 94:1, 59-78, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2011.00449.X Klöve, B., Kvitsand, H.M.L., Pitkänen, T., Gunnarsdottir, M.J., Gaut, S., Gardarsson, S.M., Rossi, P.M., Miettinen, I. (2017). Overview of groundwater sources and water-supply systems, and associated microbial pollution, in Finland, Norway and Iceland. Hydrogeol J. 25(4) pp 1033-1044. DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1552-x Mellor, J.E., Levy, K., Zimmerman, J., Elliott, M., Bartram, J., Carlton, E., Clasen, T., Dillingham, R., Eisenberg, J., Guerrant, R., Lantagne, D., Mihelcic, J., Nelson, K. (2016). Planning for climate change: The need for mechanistic systems-based approaches to study climate change impacts on diarrheal diseases. Science of the Total Environment 548-549, 82-92. Morino, C., Conway, S.J., Sæmundsson. Th., Helgason, J.K., Hillier, J., Butcher, F.E.G., Balme, M.R., Jordan, C. and Argles, T. (2019). Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 516, 136-147. Ojala L., Thunholm B., Maxe L., Persson G. & Bergmark M. (2007) Kan grundvattenmålet klaras vid ändrade klimatförhållanden? – underlag för analys. SGU-rapport 2007:9. Okkonen, J. Jyrkama, M. & Klöve, B. (2010). A conceptual approach for assessing the impact of climate change on groundwater and related surface waters in cold regions (Finland). Hydrogeologly Journal, 18: 429-439. Ráðgjafafyrirtækið Alta (2016). Blágrænar ofanvatnslausnir. Innleiðing við íslenskar aðstæður. Skýrsla unnin fyrir Rannsóknar- og þróunarsjóður Skipulagsstofnunar og SAMORKA, samtök orku- og veitufyrirtækja á Íslandi Roffey, R., Jonsson, P., Sonnek, K.M., Forsman, M., Karlsson, L. & Sjödin A. (2014). Mikrobiologiska risker för dricksvatten: Framtida klimatpäverkan och säkerhet. FOI-R—3831—SE. Rosenbom, A.E., Brüsch, W., Juhler, R.K., Ernstsen, V., Gudmundsson, L., Kjær, J. Paluborg, F., Grant, R., Nyegaard, P. and Olsen P. (2010). The Danish Pesticide Leaching Assessment Program. Monioring results May 1999-2009. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. results-99-09.pdf Seneviratne, S.I., Nicholls, N., Easterling, D., Goodess, C.M., Kanea, S., Kossin, J., Luo, Y., Maregno, J., McInnes, K., Rahimi, M., Reichsten, M., Sorteberg, A., Vera, C., & Zhang, X. (2012). Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment. In: Mangaging the risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance climate change Adaptation. A special Report of Working Groups I and II of the IPCC. Campbridge University Press, Campbridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA. Pp.109-230. Sigurðsson, F., Hjartarson, Á. & Hafstað, Þ. (1998). Vatnsveituhandbók Samorku. Staben, N., Nahrstedt, A. & Merkel, W. (2015). Securing safe drinking water supply under climate condition. Water Science & Technology 15.6. Sæmundsson, TH., Morino, C., Helgason, J.K., Conway, S.J. and Pétursson, H.G.(2018). The triggering factors of the Móafellshyrna debris slide in northern Iceland: Intense precipitation, earthquake activity and thawing of mountain permafrost. Science of the Total Environment 621, 1163-1175
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