Verktækni - 2019, Side 86

Verktækni - 2019, Side 86
86 • The project work is based on non-routine tasks. • The project has a minimum duration of four weeks. • The project has at least three participants. Based on this definition of projects, respondents were asked to indicate the proportion of project work, as a percentage of the overall work worked within the organization, in the entire organization. This resulted in figures indicating projectification on the company level. The share of project work of the individual economic sectors (each containing different sub-sectors) was calculated as a mean value. Finally, the share of project work on the level of the entire economy was obtained by adding up the sectors’ shares of project work, weighted by the sector’s share on total GVA (see Wald et al., 2015 for more details). Benchmark Study: Current and possible future value project work in Iceland The benchmark study conducted was used to measure and compare the metrics against the GVA baseline study and run on a regular basis (quarterly) to evaluate how the perception of participant changes over time. The study was designed to verify the alleged importance of project management within organizations by asking a larger sample of participants that are more homogeneous than the sample of participants in the GVA study, in many cases, managers and leaders who passed on the requests for economic figures to subordinates. As the benchmark study was solely conducted among people in high management positions in their companies these two studies will complement each other and give clear indication of the present and future state of project management in Iceland. The definition above of what constitutes a “project” was introduced to the participants, and the sample of 1,356 participants were asked about (1) the application of project management within their organization in compliance of the definition of projects by Wald et al. (2015), and (2) the what they saw as a likely trend in the application of project management in the near future (12 months) within their organization. The survey was embedded in a management survey that is done quarterly by a survey company named Market and Media Research (MMR). Compared to the GVA the method was simpler, it included more participants, and was less costly. The survey measured, among the participant, the overall perception of project management and the application of it as a discipline. As the management survey is ongoing, and conducted four times a year, valuable information on the development of the PPP profession can be observed over time. The NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) economic sectors classification was used as a basis to ensure international comparability (see figure 1) but it is the European statistical classification of economic activities. Statistics produced on the basis of NACE are comparable at European level and, in general, at world level through the United Nations' International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). Despite industrial structural differences between Iceland and Germany, the same 10 industrial sectors were used. For the sake of simplifying the study, four sectors - construction, real estate, corporate service providers and agriculture - were excluded from the survey but their impact estimated by experts instead. The same weights were used in Iceland as in Germany.
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