Verktækni - 2019, Síða 96

Verktækni - 2019, Síða 96
96 This study reveals that project work contributes greatly in terms of economic value to the Icelandic economy. This correlates with findings in other countries where the economic contribution of project management has been studied. In Germany, 37,7% of the GVA in the economy can be traced to projects, and in Norway this number is 32,6% (Wald et al, 2016). In these countries, forecasts indicate further increased importance of project work in the near future. In Iceland, 27,7% of the GVA can is based on project related work, indicating that the monetary benefits of projects is in 2014 vicinity of 425 billion ISK (0,277 x 1.530.775 m) a year and growing. Forecasted numbers are 31.5 in 2019. Based on these findings it becomes clear that project management knowledge and professional experience, should play a major role as a part of the overall strategies and tactics in all sectors of the economy and society. In light of the large sums of money funneled through the economy via projects, every improvement, be it big or small, results in financial rewards. It is timely to consider how much projects influence industry, the public sector, the economy and society. This study can also be seen as a contribution to further the development of metrics that can inspire future visions and strategies with regards to the development of the project management profession. References Fridgeirsson Th.V. (2015). Improvement of the Governance and Management of Icelandic Public Projects, PhD. Dissertation January 2015. Reykjavik University. Accessible at Hodgson, D. & Muzion, M. (2012). Prospect for professionalism in project management, The Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Oxford University Press, 105-130, Oxford. Kerzner, H. (2009). Kerzner, H. Project Management, 10ed., John Wiley and sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. INR (2016). Ministry of Transport and Local Government. Project Governance (Markviss notkun fjármuna til samgönguframkvæmda). Retrieved 23.05.2017 from lokautgafa.pdf Hagstofan, (2016). Iceland in figures 2016. Retrieved 24.01.2017 from Ingason, H. Th, Fridgeirsson, Th.V., Jonasson H.I. (2019). Project management in Iceland: The path to a profession. Not yet published. Midler, C. (1995). Projectification of the firm: The Renault case. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11(4), 363–375. Morris et al. (2012). Morris, P.W.G, Pinto, J. & Söderlund, J., Towards the Third Wave of Project Management, Oxford Handbook of Project Management (p. 1-11), Oxford University Press. Morris (2012). Morris, P.W.G, A Brief History of Project Management, Oxford Handbook of Project Management (p. 15-36), Oxford University Press. MPM (2017). Master of Project Management database, available at Reykjavik University, Iceland.
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