AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Qupperneq 27

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Qupperneq 27
Helstu áherslupunktarnir eru: • Borgirnar tengist öflugu og skilvirku neti. • Viðhalda frjórri samkeppni en jafnframt keppast þær að því að styðja hvor aðra og auka samvinnu. • Leggja markvisst af mörk- um til að bæta lífsskilyrði íbúanna og neytenda. • Samþætta manngerðu og nátt- úrufarslegu þætti umhverfisins. Jafnframt er þar að finna yfirlit um helstu málefni og krefjandi viðfangs- efni sem knýja að dyrum borga við upphaf nýrrar aldar. Loks er fjallað um þær kröfur sem gerð- ar eru til skipulagsfræðinga til að þessi sýn verði að veruleika. Lögð er áhersla á mikilvægi skipulags- fræðingsins í þessum breytingaferli. Skipulagsfræðingar gegna veigam- iklu hlutverki við samhæfingu, miðlun og það að gera þróun mögulega. Skipulagsfræðingurinn þarf að leggja til framtíðarsýn fyrir borgir í samvinnu við þá sem koma að skipulagsferlin- um á ýmsum stigum, jafnt á staðn- um sem og í samvinnu milli þjóða. ■ Net borga./A network of cities. Icelandic Planning in an biternational Context Planning deals with the environment of people. It creates the framework for the daily life of the inhabitants. Planning enters all aspects of our daily life where we live, work or spend our spare time. Planning is therefore very important for the well being of us all. Planning reflects the emphasis of society at any given time. By looking at the planning of urban areas one can discern the economic, technical and social incentives at the back of its crea- tion. With increased progress the demands for better conditions increases and this in turn leads to new and better solutions in plan- ning. In this way one can say that with the advent of planning in lceland the lcelanders were moved from the traditional turfhouse envi- ronment to a western urban envi- ronment. The first planning law in lceland was enacted early in lceland compared to many other countries. It took effect in 1921 and put heavy emphasis on better conditions for the general public. In them one can see the influence of the Garden City Movement that appeared in England around the turn of the 20th century, with the goal of improving the indus- trial city. The next big step was the revision of this law in 1964 where systematic planning was introduced which emphasised the importance Sigríöur Kristjánsdóttir, Planner of the private car. This time the ideo- logy was imported from Denmark. Although one can sometimes think that we are still at this stage one must not forget that progress continues. We are still influenced by what is happening elsewhere. After the Bruntland report in 1987 and the Rio Conference one can distinctly see increased emphasis on ecological planning in lceland. With lcelands approval of the Kyoto agreement one can expect still increased emphasis on environ- mental issues and particularly the decrease of greenhouse gases. This development is in accordance with the change in emphasis that avs 27
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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