

Muninn - 01.05.2016, Blaðsíða 86

Muninn - 01.05.2016, Blaðsíða 86
84 „Integrity has no need for rules“ To live honestly, in accordance to your idea of what’s right and appropriate to do or say at any given time must mean to live without any rules, strict moral codes or predefined standards of behaviour. To be constantly trying, often unsuccessfully, to morph one’s behaviour to fit a fixed mould of etiquette is only dishonesty in another guise. By acting against one’s most inner felt recognition of right and wrong, a person can be rightfully accused of a grave sort of moral deceit. Therefore, a person seeking to be hon- est and full of integrity should seek to rid his life of codes, rules, laws and standards. At first this might seem a very tempting way to live, and throughout history it has been a lifestyle preached by bohemian artists and writers wishing to create a more truthful and heartfelt existence. It’s a free life, it’s a life without the battle between one’s own idea of right and society’s idea of what’s appro- priate, a life where you yourself sit behind the con- trols. However, this mode of existence does not only prove to be free and honest, but also devas- tatingly exhausting. And the reason for this lies in the imperfections of the individual. Removing the conflict between your own reason and the moral codes you must live by does not leave you free of moral indecision or untethered in a battle of differ- ent virtues and convictions. It does just the opposite. By leaving behind the codes that used to, at least in some respects, to govern your life you take on a more serious responsibility of action. To live with full integrity means to live with a constant awareness , to be vulnerable to the chaos of the world around you and the consequences of your actions, because how else could you act with true conviction? The truth is that people are, in general, not completely sure of what’s the most virtuous way to tackle life, their ideas of morality being submitted to the unrelenting bombardment of change. Mistakes are made and learned from, but they also function as a reminder of how easily one can be led astray and make the wrong decision, often with catastrophic results. Only for a perfect man a life of absolute honesty would prove to be easy, as the flawlessness of his character would mean that he would never have to encounter moral strife. For this individual any decision, which might in the mind of a regular person evoke a serious conflict, would for him only be mechanical in na- ture, as his convictions of right and wrong would be so deep-rooted and apparent that any inner quarrel would be unthinkable. The thing is, we aren’t perfect people. To live with true integrity from cradle to grave would be a life of such unyielding moral strife that one would be una- ble to accomplish much else but an abnormal ma- tureness of character, that is if one would not crack under this enormous pressure and become a nutcase. Of course it would be just as bad to denounce this sort of honest freedom altogether and lively solely by rules without any personal interference. History is littered with examples of blind obedience gone wrong, of people “just following orders”. We both need to be able to live with rules and without, just as we both need to be awake and to sleep. To avoid complete drainage of energy one needs rules and guidelines of behaviour, just as one requires rest. This might mean a temporary sacrifice of character, hid- ing behind a veil of etiquette and submitting oneself to habits and traditions that don’t always come off as sensible. Yet it is something that every now and then proves necessary for one’s own sanity and conserva- tion of energy. Because while integrity has no need for rules, we most certainly do. Erla Sigríður Sigurðardóttir Þann 20. febrúar keppti Erla Sigríður fyrir hönd Menntaskólans á Akureyri í National Speaking Competition, ræðukeppni á ensku milli íslenskra framhaldsskóla. Erla lenti ekki í verðlaunasæti en fékk heiðursviðurkenningu og sögðu dómarar að ræða Erlu hafi verið challenging and excellent og að innihald ræðunnar hafi verið very intellectual content.
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