
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Qupperneq 44

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Qupperneq 44
The 1845–46 and 1766–68 eruptions at Hekla volcano written descriptions by J. C. Schythe and H. Finnsen, we interpret them ourselves instead of relying solely on Thórarinsson (1967). Because the present study focuses on the effusive activity, descriptions of lava- flows in the literary sources (Finnsen, 1767; Schythe, 1847; Thórarinsson, 1967) are mainly taken into ac- count. This entails specific time/periods and locations of the effusive activity. Furthermore, information re- garding the openings of new vents was noticed and used here to reconstruct the emplacement of the lava- flow fields. Qualitatively assessed time-lines of the lava emplacement during the 1766–68 and 1845–46 eruptions are created similar to those of the 1947–48 eruption by Thórarinsson (1976). It is important to underline that the flow-lines are approximate, but the best possible from combining the historical sources and our analyses. The flow-lines show dates from the literary sources (Figures 3a and 4a). The solid flow-lines indicate that the historical source provides precise information on the location of the flow front by mentioning place names and/or estimate distances from known locations, hence we are more certain of these emplacements. Whereas the dashed lines indi- cate greater uncertainty because only vague directions of the lava-flow direction are given (e.g. "19 Septem- ber 1766: .. and lava-flowed both to the west and east and in the direction of Krakatindur" Thórarins- son, 1976). Fieldwork and geochemical analyses During fieldwork August 7–10, 2018 we sampled rock specimens and studied flow morphologies of the lava-flows 1766–68, 1845–46 and 1947–48. Four to five specimens were sampled for each of the three lava-flows representing a range of emplacement ages, ideally from oldest to youngest. The samples were analysed at the mineral laboratory Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. by XRF and ICP-MS meth- ods to reveal whole rock and trace elements. Analy- ses of certified reference materials show the relative deviation from the reference values are less than 1% for the major elements and less than 7% for the trace elements discussed in this project. Repeated analy- ses of samples demonstrate reproducibility within 1% for the major- and minor elements and within 7% for most trace elements. Viscosity estimates Several models predict viscosity of silicate melts as a function of temperature and composition (e.g. Shaw, 1972; Bottinga and Weill, 1972; Giordano et al., 2008; Hack and Thompson, 2011). In this study vis- cosity estimates have been calculated after the model by Giordano et al. (2008). This is a multicomponent chemical model spanning most of the compositional range found in natural-existing volcanic rocks. It is based on experimental measurements of viscosity at different temperatures of known melt compositions at atmospheric pressure (105 Pa) (Giordano et al., 2008). They use the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation (Vo- gel, 1921; Fulcher, 1925) to estimate the temperature and composition dependent viscosity (η): log η = A+ B T (K) − C (1) 2. mynd. – Mynd af hraunþykktarmælingum með dæmum um hæðarsnið B), C), D) og E) ásamt upplýsingum um það hvort mælingarnar uppfylli kröfur sem gerðar voru. Hraunþykktarmælingarnar eru merktar með "ac- cepted" (samþykkt) eða "not accepted" (ósamþykkt) neðst til vinstri á hæðarsniðunum. Hæð við botn hraunsins er merkt með "level 0" (stig 0). Gert er ráð fyrir að þykkt hraunsins sé náð þar sem bratti hraunsins er orðinn lítill. Þetta er táknað með " level 1" (stig 1). Mismunur á hæð stigs 1 og stigs 0 er þykkt hraunsins fyrir það tiltekna snið. Meðalþykkt er áætluð út frá viðurkenndum hæðarsniðum og er notuð í rúmmálsútreikningum. F) Kort af hraunbreiðum frá 1845–46, skipt niður í níu svæði. Nærmyndin sýnir þykktarmælingar (svartar línur). Svæði 1: Gígasvæði og Hekluhryggurinn (halli svæðis er um það bil ≤55◦). Svæði 2: flókin formgerð breytist í hraunrás (≤40◦). Svæði 3: hraunfossar (≤40◦). Svæði 4: hraunflæði í hraunrásum (≤15◦). Svæði 5 og 6: mikil hraunbelging og undanrennsli kviku, greinilegast á svæði 5 (≤15◦). Svæði 7 og 9: undanrennsli (≤10◦). Svæði 8: hraunflæði í hraunrásum, hugsanlega hraunbelging og undanrennsli (≤10◦). Bakgrunnur og útlínur eins og á 1. mynd. JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 41
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