
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 54

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 54
The 1845–46 and 1766–68 eruptions at Hekla volcano after the new vent opening at March 18, 1767, and the observed lava-flow morphology from the aerial orthophotos confirms these descriptions (Figure 3a, b). Therefore, the high-SiO2 lavas of Hringlanda- hraun was emplaced late in the eruption. This dis- covery challenges the conventional model of tapping of a single, large, layered magma chamber with the most evolved (silica-rich) magmas at the top. The simplest explanation is that the NE end of the summit ridge, at least in 1766–68, tapped a different source, but this should be investigated further requiring more detailed sampling of the different phases of the erup- tions. However, based on our results the eruption of the 1766–68 lava-flows are inconsistent with a sin- gle, stratified magma chamber model from which the erupted products become poorer in SiO2 with time. CONCLUSIONS The estimated bulk volume based on the planimetric method for the 1766–68 Hekla eruption is 0.7 km3 and for the 1845–46 eruption is 0.4 km3. Based on volume comparisons between the planimetric method and digital elevation model (DEM) thickness maps for the 1947–48 eruption, it is suggested that the plani- metric method may underestimate the lava bulk vol- ume by 40–60%. Hence, the true bulk volumes of the 1766–68 and 1845–46 eruptions are more likely 1.0–1.2 km3 and 0.5–0.6 km3, respectively. We esti- mate viscosities representative of pre-eruptive (aver- age 1.3 wt% H2O) and degassed magmas (0.14 wt% H2O). The undegassed melt viscosity ranges from 1.8×102–3.1×102 Pa s (1060◦C) for the 1766–68 lava-flows, and 1.6×102–2.8×102 Pa s (1060◦C) for the 1845–46 lava-flows, and the degassed melt viscos- ity ranges from 1.4×103–3.6×103 Pa s (1060◦C) for the 1766–68 lava-flows, and 1.1×103–2.9×103 Pa s (1060◦C) for the 1845–46 lava-flows. This presents one order of magnitude difference between pre- eruptive and degassed magma, and confirms that the pre-eruptive magma is more fluid than the degassed magma. The emplacement time-lines of the lavas combined with the silica content of collected sam- ples show that SiO2 decreased from ca. 58 to 54 wt% during eruptions in 1845–46 and 1947–48. In con- trast, our results from the 1766–68 eruption suggest that SiO2 fluctuated increasing from ca. 55 to 58 wt% during the emplacement of Hringlandahraun, reveal- ing that not all Hekla eruptions necessarily follow a decline in SiO2 during the eruption. This implies that the model assuming magma being tapped succes- sively from the top of a stratified magma chamber may not be applicable to all Hekla eruptions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the Icelandic Research fund, Grant of Excellence No. 152266-052 (Project EMMIRS) for supporting the field trip and access to the remote sensing data. This research was also funded by the Danish National Research Foundation Niels Bohr Professorship grant 26-123/8. Thanks to Landgræðsla ríksins for their help during fieldwork. The first author also acknowledges Selskabet Arktisk Forskning og Teknologi (SAFT) for funding of trav- els connected to this project. Extended thanks go to editor Bryndís Brandsdóttir and two anonymous re- viewers for their thorough and constructive reviews. Lastly, thanks to Páll Einarsson for help with the Ice- landic translation of the abstract and for proof-reading the manuscript. Also thanks to Stefán Már Melstað for help with the Icelandic abstract and to Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir for help with the Icelandic translation of the figure- and table texts. Ágrip Rúmmál hrauna sem runnu í Heklugosunum 1845– 1846 og 1766–1768 er endurmetið út frá nýjum fjar- könnunargögnum, sögulegum heimildum, bergfræði og seigju hraunanna, sem reikna má út frá efnasam- setningu þeirra. Ef reiknað er út frá flatarmáli hraun- anna og ætlaðri þykkt þeirra fæst rúmmál 0,4 km3 og 0,7 km3 fyrir gosin tvö. Ef sömu aðferð er beitt á gosið 1947 kemur í ljós að hún vanmetur rúmmálið um 40–60%. Því eru rúmmál eldgosanna 1845–46 og 1766–68 áætlað 0,5–0,6 km3 og 1,0–1,2 km3. Við áætlum seigju kvikunnar út frá efnasamsetningu og gasinnihaldi. Ætla má að seigja kvikunnar fyrir gosið 1766–1768 hafi verið 2,5 x 102 Pa s en 2,5 x 103 Pa s eftir að gasið rauk úr henni. Fyrir gosið 1845–1846 er seigja kvikunnar metin 2,2 x 102 Pa s en eftir að gasið rauk úr er hún metin 1,9 x 103 Pa s. Seigja kvikunnar vex nær tífalt þegar hún gýs og losar sig JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 51
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