
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 65

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 65
Einarsson and Jakobsson Figure 3. Left: The pen-motor and translation-motor assemblages of the Landsnet seismograph. The pen was made at the SI from a drawing pen tip attached to a syringe pipe. A special recording ink was used, available in different colors, black, red, green and blue. Right: The rotation-motor assemblage of the Landsnet seismo- graph. It offered three different speeds of rotation. The most used time resolution was 90 mm per minute. – Vinstri mynd: Pennamótor og færslumótor Landsnestmælisins. Pennarnir voru smíðaðir á Raunvísindastofnun úr oddi af teiknipenna og pípu úr sprautunál. Sérstakt síritablek var notað, sem var fáanlegt í svörtum, rauðum, grænum og bláum lit. Hægri mynd: Sérstakur mótor sneri tromlunni og mátti stilla á þrjá mismunandi hraða. Algengast var að nota hraða sem gaf tímaupplausn 90 mm/mínútu. mic Zone. The final phase of the original project was then finished by installing stations around the central highland in 1977. Several stations were then added in the following years when opportunities arose, e.g., around Hengill in 1979. The permanent and semi- permanent stations are listed in Table 1, their names, locations, and operation times. The table will be up- dated as the scanning project progresses. Figure 5 shows a map of the network stations at the peak of its operation. The sheets from the Landsnet stations were sent to the Science Institute where a preliminary anal- ysis was carried out. The results were distributed by Skjálftabréf, a pamphlet containing approximate locations and other information, now accessible at https://www.jardvis.hi.is/skjalftabref. The first de- tailed epicentral maps of earthquakes based on the results appeared in several papers in the eighties and nineties (e.g., Einarsson and Björnsson, 1987; Einars- son, 1978, 1991; Brandsdóttir and Einarsson, 1979; Einarsson and Brandsdóttir, 1980; Foulger and Ein- arsson, 1980; Björnsson and Einarsson, 1990). A new digital seismograph system became oper- ational in South Iceland in late 1990, called the SIL- system. This system was expanded in the following years to cover the whole of Iceland. The operation of the old analog network was then gradually phased out as the new, sophisticated network expanded. The last analog seismograph was taken out of service in 2010. The seismograms and time signal All the analog seismograms are written on drum recorder, i.e., a paper sheet was attached to a rotat- ing drum and the recording element, pen, needle, or light beam was moved sideways with respect to the drum, so that a continuous trace was written on the sheet (Figure 3). When the sheet was removed from the drum the trace formed lines, with time in each line progressing from left to right, like lines in a book. The time resolution of the recording was determined by the rotation speed of the drum, one, two, four or six rotations per hour, producing the same number of lines per hour on the final seismogram sheet. A time signal was mixed with the seismic signal, a small excursion of the trace superimposed on the 62 JÖKULL No. 70, 2020
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