
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 78

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 78
Little Ice Age advance of Kvískerjajöklar, Öræfajökull, Iceland. earlier than in the end of the Little Ice Age. Thor- arinsson (1943) pointed out that two severely cold periods after 1600 led to advanced position of the outlets of Drangajökull ice cap, in Northwestern Ice- land, and of the Southern Vatnajökull ice cap; more- over, during the particularly cold 1750s and 1760s at least two major outlets of Öræfajökull, the Fjalls- jökull and Hrútárjökull glaciers (Figure 1) reached their LIAmax. Twice in the 19th century, Hrútárjökull glacier dammed the mouth of Múlagljúfur gorge and thereby the river Múlakvísl draining the Kvískerja- jöklar, creating an ice-dammed lake (Figure 2; Hen- derson 1957; Thoroddsen, 1959; Björnsson 1958; Björnsson 1998; Hannesdóttir, 2014). Figure 2. Series of moraines built up by Hrútárjökull in the 19th century (1830–1840, 1870–1877, Björnsson, 1958) and one of an unknown earlier age. The glacier dammed up a lake in Múlagljúfur, whose various levels are shown, based on the overflow elevation at the moraines at ∼103 m (blue arrows indicate the direction of runoff), ∼95 m and ∼88.5 m a.s.l. Local farmers managed to bypass the lake inside the gorge to access the Múlakinn. The largest lake would have closed this route. – Raðir jökulgarða sem Hrútárjökull ýtti upp við mynni Múlagljúfurs (1830–1840, 1870–1877, Sigurður Björnsson, 1958) og einn eldri garður benda til þess að jökullinn hafi náð hámarksstærð fyrr en í lok 19. aldar. Jökullinn stíflaði mynni Múlagljúfurs svo að jökullón mynduðust í því. Stærð lóna er sýnd miðað við að vatnsborð þeirra hafi ráðist af hæð yfirfalls meðfram jökul- görðunum í um ∼103 m, ∼95 m og ∼88.5 m y.s.. Þó komst vinnufólk á Kvískerjum fyrir lónið í gljúfrinu inn í Múlakinn. Sú leið hefði verið ófær hefði jökullinn legið á fremsta garði og jökullónið verið í hæstu stöðu. JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 75
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