
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 80

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Page 80
Little Ice Age advance of Kvískerjajöklar, Öræfajökull, Iceland. Figure 3. Series of moraines in the steep terrain of Kvískerjafjöll indicate several stages of glacier advance in the 18th to 20th century. The yellow broken line traces the outermost end-moraine: a) The end moraine noted by Sveinn Pálsson, 1794. b) The location of the glacier snout as viewed by Pálsson in 1794. c) The two prominent terminal moraines of the north glacier (yellow and green broken lines) indicating the outermost LIA advances. Several younger moraines occur in the foreland. Lines P1–P2 and P3–P4 show the location of profiles used to examine post-LIAmax surface lowering. – Raðir jökulgarða í brattlendi Kvískerjafjalla. Garðarnir benda til að jöklarnir hafi hopað og gengið fram á víxl á síðustu öldum. Gul brotalína rekur fremstu garða: a) Endagarður sem Sveinn Pálsson náttúrufræðingur segir frá þegar hann gekk á Öræfajökul árið 1794. b) jökuljaðarinn, sem Sveinn sá neðan frá Kvískerjum og ályktaði að gilið (Hellisgil) næði upp að jöklinum. c) Tvær fremstu raðir jökulgarðanna (gul og græn brotalína) sýna hámarksútbreiðslu nyrðri jökultungunnar á síðustu öldum. Línur merktar P1–P2 og P3–P4 sýna legu sniða þar sem yfirborðsbreytingar voru metnar með líkanreikningum. The aerial photographs and images were collected from the database of the National Land Survey of Iceland (NLSI), the company Loftmyndir ehf., and the US Geological Survey (Landsat 1–5 and 7–8). Lidar DEMs of Vatnajökull and its foreland, were surveyed in 2010–2012 in connection with the Inter- national Polar Year 2007–2008, Jóhannesson et al., 2011, 2013). The lidar DEMs were used to georectify aerial images and to reproject and correct the horizon- tal positioning of older maps. The LIAmax margin was digitized in ArcGIS by delineating glacio-geomorphological features, identi- fied from orthorectified aerial photographs and field observations. Moraines formed by the LIAmax out- JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 77
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