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Jökull - 01.01.2020, Qupperneq 111

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Qupperneq 111
Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir og fl. Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Eyjólfur Magnússon, Finnur Pálsson, Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson, Joaquín M. C. Be- lart, Tómas Jóhannesson, Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir, Oddur Sigurðsson, Andri Gunnarsson, Bergur Einars- son, E. Berthier, L. S. Schmidt, Hannes H. Haralds- son, og Helgi Björnsson 2020. Glacier changes in Ice- land from ∼1890 to 2019. Front. Earth Sci. 8, 523646. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.523646 Guðmundur Bárðarson 1934. Islands Gletscher: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gletscherbewegungen und Schwan- kungen auf Grund alter Quellenschriften und neuester Forschung. Rit Vísindafélags Íslendinga 16, 60 pp. Hanna, E., Trausti Jónsson og J. Box 2004. An analy- sis of Icelandic climate since the nineteenth century. Int. J. Climatol. 24(10), 1193–1210. https://doi.org/- 10.1002/joc.1051 Helgi Björnsson, Finnur Pálsson, Oddur Sigurðsson og Gwenn E. Flowers 2003. Surges of glaciers in Iceland. Ann. Glaciol. 36, 82–90. https://doi.org/10.3189/- 172756403781816365 Helgi Hermann Eiríksson 1932. Observations and some measurements of some glaciers in Austur- Skaftafellssýsla in the summer 1930. Rit Vísindafélags Íslendinga 12, 24 pp. Helgi Pjeturss 1915a. Loftslag á Íslandi í fornöld. Morgun- blaðið, 15. júlí 1915, bls. 2–3. Helgi Pjeturss 1915b. Um loptslag á Íslandi í fornöld. Morgunblaðið, 26. september 1915, bls. 7. Jón Eyþórsson 1931. On the present position of the glaciers in Iceland. Some preliminary studies and in- vestigations in the summer 1930. Rit Vísindafélags Ís- lendinga 10, 35 pp. Jón Eyþórsson 1934. Jöklamælingar haustið 1933. Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 4(1–3), 97–98. Jón Eyþórsson 1935. On the variations of glaciers in Iceland. Geogr. Ann. 1–2, 121–137. https://doi.org/- 10.1080/20014422.1935.11880594 Jón Eyþórsson 1942. Breytingar íslenzkra skriðjökla á tímabilinu 1930–1941 (í metrum). Náttúrufræðing- urinn 12(2), 125–128. Jón Eyþórsson 1949. Variations of glaciers in Iceland, 1930–47. J. Glaciol. 1(5), 250–252. https://doi.org/- 10.3189/002214349793702764 Jón Eyþórsson 1960. Jöklabreytingar 1958/59 og 1959/1960. Jökull 10, 30–32. Jón Eyþórsson 1963. Variation of Icelandic glaciers 1931– 1960. Jökull 13, 31–33. Magnús T. Guðmundsson, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Helgi Björnsson og Þórdís Högnadóttir 2004. The 1996 eruption at Gjálp, Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland: course of events, efficiency of heat transfer, ice deformation and subglacial water pressure. Bull. Volcanol. 66, 46– 65. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-003-0295-9 Oddur Einarsson (þýðandi Sveinn Pálsson) 1971. Íslands- lýsing/Qualiscunque descriptio Islandiae. Reykjavík, Menningarsjóður, 159 pp. Oddur Sigurðsson og Trausti Jónsson 1995. Relation of glacier variation to climate changes in Iceland. Ann. Glaciol. 21, 263–270. https://doi.org/10.3189/- S0260305500015925 Oddur Sigurðsson 1998. Glacier variations in Iceland 1930–1995. From the database of the Iceland Glacio- logical Society. Jökull 45, 3–25. Oddur Sigurðsson, Trausti Jónsson og Tómas Jóhann- esson 2007. Relation between glacier-termini varia- tions and summer temperature in Iceland since 1930. Ann. Glaciol. 46, 170–176. https://doi.org/10.3189/- 172756407782871611 Sigurdur Thorarinsson 1943. Oscillations of the Iceland Glaciers in the last 250 Years. Geogr. Ann. 1–2, 1–54. https://doi.org/10.2307/519895 Sveinn Pálsson 1945. Ferðabók Sveins Pálssonar. Reykja- vík, Snælandsútgáfan, 428 pp. Tómas Jóhannesson og Oddur Sigurðsson 1998. Inter- pretation of glacier variations in Iceland 1930–1995. Jökull 45, 27–33. Tómas Jóhannesson, Bolli Pálmason, Árni Hjartarson, A. Jarosch, Eyjólfur Magnússon, Joaquín M. C. Belart og Magnús T. Guðmundsson 2020. Non-surface mass balance of glaciers in Iceland. J. Glaciol. 6(258), 685– 697. https://doi.org/ 10.1017/jog.2020.37 Þorvaldur Thoroddsen 1911. Lýsing Íslands, annað bindi. Kaupmannahöfn, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 683 pp. 108 JÖKULL No. 70, 2020
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