
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 135

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 135
Sturkell and Gudmundsson In July, Hakon and Erik parted with their travel companions and travel along the south coast. On 12th of August, they arrive at the farm ‘Kálfafell’ (Figure 1). They set out towards Síðujökull with their own horses and horses rented from the farm. All their equipment was transported up on the glacier and the sledge was assembled. They returned to Kálfafell in darkness. An episode from this part of the expedi- tion is described in Erik’s diary (Morgunblaðið, June 9th and 10th 1920). It says: “On the 24th of Au- gust the steep climb must be abandoned. One of the horses just lay down and refused to go any further. One of the provision crates came loose and rolled downhill. Luckily, it was not containing the alco- hol exclaims Ygberg relieved.” On the 27th of Au- gust they set out with three horses and a sledge from the base camp established a few days earlier. The weather was superb when they set out, heading north (Figure 1). Despite the glacier in the lower parts of the accumulation area being covered by tephra from the Katla eruption in October-November 1918, they made good progress over the ice and they camped at 9 PM. The next day they came into an area with a thick ash layer and they changed direction due east and aimed towards Hágöngur (Figure 1). From there they turned north again and passed Pálsfjall a few kilometers to the east. They continued on the north- ward course until reaching an elevation of 1600 me- ters (Figures 1 and 4), where the course was changed towards east. The sledge moved along more easily as the glacier became smother and they made good progress towards Háabunga (Figure 5). At midday on the 31st of August fog rolled in but they continued with Hakon on the sledge with the compass direct- ing Erik riding the lead horse. The fog got thicker, and Erik reported he could see only the hooves of his horse. They still made good progress due east. Erik also reported he could occasionally smell sul- fur but he believed this to be his imagination playing him a prank. Suddenly his horse stopped. Erik had learned to trust the horses and if a horse refused to continue it should be taken seriously. He got down Figure 4. Photograph taken in the area where Erik and Hakon changed course and headed eastwards (see Fig- ure1), with Hamarinn to the right and Kerlingar to the left. This photograph was published as Figure 10 in Wadell (1920). – Mynd tekin ofarlega á Tungnaárjökli á þeim stað þar sem þeir félagar breyttu stefnunni til austurs (10. mynd í grein Wadell, 1920). Figure 5. This photograph was taken on the route up to Háabunga after turning to the east. Þórðarhyrna can be seen at the horizon. – Ljósmynd úr ferð Erik og Hakon, Þórðarhyrna í fjarska. 132 JÖKULL No. 70, 2020
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