
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 136

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Side 136
Sveakratern 1919 – Grímsvötn revisit 2019 Figure 6. Erik Ygberg with the horses next to the tent up on the even-surfaced glacier. The indication that it is Erik on the picture comes from the article he wrote in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet 4th of October 1945. – Erik Ygberg og hestarnir við tjaldið á sléttum jökli. and crawled with caution forward as he expected a crevasse. After only a few meters a wind gust came and the whole world opened. He was at the brink of an abyss, so he crawled in reverse back to Hakon, the horses and the sledge. They withdrew in their tracks and at a safe distance they pitched their tent. The next day when they got out of the tent (Figure 6) they saw in front of them a huge depression in the glacier, bathed in the sparkling sun. This depression was surrounded on three sides by steep to near verti- cal walls with the southern wall mostly composed of outcropping rocks (Figure 1). The height of the sides was estimated to be about 125 meters. The fourth side was smoother and formed a valley in the glacier sur- face, linking it to the upper reaches of Skeiðarárjökull (Figure 1). Roped up they reached the floor of the depression, which was covered with ice. In the south- western part open water was present along the walls of the depression (Figure 1). They reported steam ris- ing from the rock and the origin of the sulfur smell could be explained. The size of the crater was mea- sured as 8 kilometers E-W and 5 km N-S. Erik and Hakon realized that they were inside a huge volcano and they inferred that they had found the source of the jökulhlaups emerging from Skeiðarárjökull. The vol- cano was baptized to Svíagígur or Sveakratern. This name has not survived, after the eruption of 1934 the old name of Grímsvötn was re-instated by geologists Jóhannes Áskelsson (Áskelsson, 1936), Hans W:son Ahlmann (Ahlmann and Thorarinsson, 1937) and Sig- urður Thorarinsson (Þórarinsson, 1974). Towards the east Erik and Hakon left Grímsvötn on the 2nd of Septem- ber and continued the expedition on a course due east from the newly discovered “Sveakraten”). The thick fog showed no intention of moving and in the follow- ing days they followed a compass course. The fog lay heavily over the landscape until the 4th of Septem- ber, and on that morning they found themselves in a crevasse area. The barometer indicated that they were at an altitude of 1500 meters. The skies cleared away and they could see all the way down to Hornafjörður. This was a morale boost, they were close to the goal of reaching the eastern margin of Vatnajökull! As the number of crevasses increased they decided to leave the sledge behind as supplies were running low. They continued with two riding horses and one pack horse that carried some of the equipment, but with a part of it left behind. They had Hornafjörður in sight, but had to descend down Heinabergsjökull, which proved to be a challenge. They climbed down a steep slope, a heavily crevassed section, went around a small hill and passed over narrow ridges with deep crevasses on each side. It took them more than ten hours to cover two kilometers. On the 5th of September they JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 133
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