Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 113

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 113
ETYMOLOGICAL NOTES 117 the credibility of the alternative etymologies offered. These are, in essence, contained in the statements by Falk-Torp, Norw.-dán.etym. Wb. (1911), 1085f., etc., who euate the Norse word with OE smaere ’lip’on the basis of a supposed semantic parallel between Lat. labrum ’lip’ and the tree name laburnum. This laboured analogy need hardly detain us. Suffice it to comment that theLatin words cannot be related, for laburnum, like its bed- fellow the shrub-name viburnum, is in- dubitablya loan word (Ernout-Meillet3, Dict. etym. de la langue latine (1959), 335. It seems that these authorities fancied that any Germanic cognate of seamar would need have the same consonat-vowel sequence. At any rate, they regarded ’summer’ as related, cf.Falk-Torp, 1225, who see Norw. symre ’anemone’ as one with OE symering-wyrt, which they interpret as ’summer wort’. These names are declared to stand in ablaut rela- tionship to ’summer’, and further to seamar, implying a basic meaning of ’summer flow- er’. We find that the above correspondences show scant regard for the Realien. Ane- mones and clover are quite separate species, neither of them particularly merinting the epithet ’summer’, no more than most other flowers. The former is not much in evidence, and hardly more than decorative, but the lat- ter is a prominent, economically important plant, attractive to livestock and invaluable in the pastures. Two such dissimilar items can never have gone under the same name. As for the Old English term, its precise meaning is unknwon. Even the literal in- terpretation ’summer wort’ is open to doubt, see Holthausen, Alteng. etym. Wb. (1934), 340. So all we are left with are words having at best a comparable consonant skeleton, but not a single verifiable fact to suggest that any of them are related. For good measure, Falk-Torp, 1085f., fur- ther connect OE smaere ’lip’ with an adjec- tive in the same language, galsmaere ’zum lachen geneigt’, on the strength of which Jó- hannesson, Isl. etym. Wb. /1956)m 909, compares the plant name with -smaere as an adjective, implying a literal meaning ’simi- lar’. Whether this is a likely name for clover we leave others to judge. But we hasten to add that the Falk-Torp view of the relation- ship of these two words is their own conjec- ture, not shared by Holthausen, 301, and surely for the best of reasons. Finally Pokor- ny, Idg. etym. Wb. (1957), 968, returned to the connection with ’lip’, characterising clover as a ’Lippenblíitler’, evidently obli- gious of the fact that not by any stretch of the imagination could clover be seen as a labiate. We can safely assert that the words we are concerned with have not been etymologised, so that their true affinities remain unknwon, and at this distance in time almost certainly unknowable. But one ineluctable fact per- sists. Scand. smcera and lr. seamar denote one and the same plant, and a very signifi- cant one. These words must be related. The only question can be how they are related. The shape of the words as we know them precludes any suggestion of relatively recent, i.e. medieval, borrowing one way or another. In both languages the words will be tradi- tional, as Bugge saw, their point of contact being somewhere in Europe at the time when Germanic and Celtic peoples lived as neigh- bours.That the phonological differences not do accord with the general rules is not sur- prising since plant names, like bird names,
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