Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Síða 117
berg-Lund, (1941).
Recent description: Brunton and Curry (1979: 57, fig.
Previous published records: ”Guldhorgsund”: South of
Munken, south of Suderø, 282 m (Wesenberg-
Lund, 1940), this record is dubious as one speci-
men has been identified as T. retusa by G. Curry in
1990 (O.S. Tendal, pers. comm.). ”Michael Sars”:
Stn 77, 60°23'N, 8°55'W, 338 m (Wesenberg-
Lund, 1940). ’Tngolf: Stn 3, 63°35'N, 10°24'W,
512 m (Wesenberg-Lund, 1941).
BIOFAR stations: Not recorded by BIOFAR.
Atlantic distribution: West of Spain; Shetland; the Scil-
ly Islands; the Faroes; Norway (north of Trond-
heim); Spitzbergen; Iceland; Greenland; east of
Canada (Wesenberg-Lund, 1940, 1941; Brunton
and Curry, 1979; Thomsen and Brattegard, 1997).
Atlantic depth range: 73-704 m in British waters
(Brunton and Curry, 1979).
Genus Macandrevia King, 1859
Macandrevia cranium (Mtiller, 1776) (Fig. 6)
Synonyms: Terebratula cranium Muller (1776); Tere-
bratula cranium Jeffreys (1878); Waldheimia
(Macandrevia) cranium Davidson (1886); Magel-
lania (Macandrevia) cranium Fischer and Oehlert
(1891); Waldheimia cranium Posselt (1898); Wald-
heimia (Macandrevia) cranium Wesenberg-Lund,
(1940); Waldheimiathyris cranium Wesenberg-
Lund, (1941).
Recent description: Brunton and Curry (1979: 58, fig.
Previous published records: ”Lightning”: Stn 4,
59°36'N, 7°20'W, 530 ftm; Stn 5, 59°5'N,
7°29'W, 189 ftm; Stn 7, 61°2'N, 12°4'W, 650 ftm;
Stn 8, off the Faroes, 164 and 208 ftm (Jeffreys,
1878). "Porcupine”: Stn 61, 62°1 'N, 5°19'W, 114
ftm (Jeffreys, 1878). "Diana”: 61°40'N, 7°40'W,
250 m (Wesenberg-Lund, 1940). ”Guldborgsund”:
13 miles southwest of Munken, 282 m; Southeast
of Munken, 285 m; South of Nolsø, 150 m (We-
senberg-Lund, 1940). "Michael Sars”: Stn44,
62°16'N, 5°54'W (6°06'W in stationlist), ca.
lOOm; Stn 57, 62°29'N, 5°17'W, 190 m; Stn 57,
East of Fuglø, 301 m (359 m in stationlist); Stn 64,
61°10'N, 5°46'W, 282 m (Wesenberg-Lund,
1940); Stn 82, 61°09'N, 7°54'W, 341 m (Wesen-
berg-Lund, 1940). "Thor”: Stn 99, 61°15'N,
9°35'W, ca. 900 m (Wesenberg-Lunđ, 1940).
Macandrevia cranium x 2,3 Thomsen 2001
B = Bryozo
”Dana”: Stn 2575, 61°10'N, 7°15'W, 383 m; Stn
2969, 62°45'N, 6°44'W, 204 m; Stn 3052,
62°03'N, 6°11'W, 118 m; Stn 5840, 62°44'N,
6°06'W, 330 m; Stn 6005, 62°19'N, 8°51'W, 475-
504 m; Stn 6007, 62°07'N, 8°35'W, 375 m (We-
senberg-Lunđ, 1940). "Dana”: At present not in the
collection of the Zoological Museum in Copen-
hagen: Stn 5866, 62°27'N, 4°54'W, 450 m; Stn
6009, 61°47'N, 7°04'W, 220 m (Wesenberg-Lund,
1940). ’Tngolf: Stn46, 61°32'N, 11°36'W, 1375
m (Wesenberg-Lund, 1941). ”Michael Sars”: Stn
45, 62°17.5'N, 4°57'W, 275 m; Stn 54, 62°29'N,
4°52'W, 210 m; Stn 58, 62°26'N, 4°49'N, 430 m;
Stn 63, 61°21'N, 5°12'W, 400 m; Stn 69, 62°04'N
(62°40'N in Wesenberg-Lund, 1941), 4°19'W, 390
m (Wesenberg-Lund, 1941). ”Thor”: Stn 1 (1904),
61°35'N, 4°39'W (Wesenberg-Lund, 1941).
”DanaStn 6001, 63°33'N, 11°25'W, 322 m (We-
senberg-Lund, 1941). "Sevastopol”: Stn 2584,
Southwest of the Faroes, 220 m (Pakhnevich,
1997). Ekspeditions unknown: 2 stns, the Faroes
and between the Faroes and the Shetlands (Posselt,
1898). Expeđition unknown: 61°18'N, 8°47'W
(Wesenberg-Lund, 1940). Expedition unknown: At
present not in the collection of the Zoological Mu-
seum in Copenhagen, 61°27'N, 6°25'W, 282 m;
61°32'N, 6°30'W, 200 m (Wesenberg-Lund,