
Jökull - 01.12.1983, Side 76

Jökull - 01.12.1983, Side 76
two settlements lying on either side of the ílood plain and a fairly busy road crossing it. Before the Askja eruption of 1961 a great increase in hydrothermal activity was observed at the site where the eruption was to occur a month or so later (iSigvaldason 1964). This led to the idea that the advent of a subglacial eruption could be predicted by monitoring the chemistry of the rivers draining the area with regard to dissolved ions that are of hydrothermal origin (Sigvaldason 1963, 1965; Stein- thorsson 1972). For this reason a program was carried out of periodically collecting water samples from various rivers in South Iceland to test the feasibility of this method of prediction empirically. The pres- ent paper is based on data obtained through that effort. FLOOD MECHANISM The mechanism of jökulhlaups has been under dispute for a long time, but the currently accepted hypothesis of jökulhlaups in Skeidará and Skaftá is that proposed by Bjömsson (1974, 1977): „In a period of five or six years the water level in the ice-covered caldera lake (Grímsvötn) rises about 100 m. The glacier is lifted oífa subglacial ridge east of the lake and water is forced subglacially through a 50 km long route beneath Skeidarárjökull, causing vast floods. When the water level has fallen about 100 m the waterway is sealed by rapid plastic de- formation of the ice at the eastern edge of the Gríms- vötn depression. The level is not lowered to the subglacial rim. The primary cause of jökulhlaups from Gríms- vötn is the melting of ice in the geothermal area. The slope of the glacier surface is altered and ice and water flow into the Grímsvötn depression.“ (Björnsson 1974, p.l). In the context of the present paper it is important to note that the ratio ofwater to ice in the caldera at the time of a jökulhlaup is of no consequence for the mechanism and frequency of bursts, because the water squeezing underneath the barrier ”does not know“ if the overlying column is water or ice. The water, be it liquid or frozen, is meteoric in origin and derives from three sources: precipitation in the caldera itself, glaciers flowing into the caldera from around, and melt water seeping along the sole of the glacier into the caldera (all Icelandic glaciers are temperate, and their temperature is maintained at the water/ice univariant). Given a constant climate, i.e. constant precipitation and glacier thickness, variation in the geothermal activity should result in variation in the volume of the Grímsvötn floods rather than their frequency. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. The sketches are meant to illustrate the efFect of diffcrem activity in the geothermal system beneath Grímsvötn. A glacier flows into a caldera lake from the right; the caldera wall to the left. The floating ice is l/10th above water, and the critical water level for triggering a jökulhlaup is indicated in both figures. A. The geothermal activity causes little melting at the bottom of the glacier which remains thick. When critical water level is reached the volume of the lake water is small. B. Much thermal activity melts the ice and the volume of the lake is large when the critical water level is reached, resulting in a large jökulhlaup. Mynd 1. Myndimar eiga að sýna áhrif mismunandi jarð- hitavirkni á vatnsmagn í Grímsvötnum þegar þau hlauþa. Jökull skríður inn í lónið frá hœgri ogýlýlur á vatninu, en jarðhitinn brteðir íshelluna neðan frá. A efri myndinni (A) er tiltölulega lítil jarðhitavirkni og ísinn er þykkur þegar vatnsborðið hefur náð þeirri hteð að Vótnin hlauþi. A neðri myndinni (B) er íshellan þynnri þegar sömu vatnsborðshreð er náð og rúmmál vatnsins meira. Að óbreyttri afkomu jökulsins retti það því að vera rúmmál jökulhlauþa en ekki tíðni þeirra sem breytist með virkni jarðhitasvteðisins. Björnsson (1974) and Bjömsson et al. (1982) estimated the power of the hydrothermal system of Grímsvötn to be about 5000 MW (thermal) comparing the volume of the jökulhlaups and the mass balance in the area yielding melt water to the system. This output ofenergy can be accounted for by an effective thermal exchange of the hydro- 74 JÖKULL 33. ÁR
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