Morgunblaðið - 21.11.2008, Page 34

Morgunblaðið - 21.11.2008, Page 34
MORGUNBLAÐIÐ FÖSTUDAGUR 21. NÓVEMBER 2008 Raðauglýsingar 569 1100 CAREERS IN TECHNOLOGY & FINANCE FATTOC LLC is one of the leading electronic trading firms in the world. We are a small company of highly talented, cooperative engineers, scientists, and traders. We trade in major markets including foreign exchange, metals, equities, and fixed income. We plan to open a software development subsidiary or satellite company in Iceland. Personnel will be expected to, on some occasions, travel to the corporate headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, USA. We are seeking individuals with backgrounds in the following: Languages Python, Java, C/C++, Perl Databases SQL, MySQL, Postgres GUI QT, HTML, Javascript Statistics Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis Network Juniper, Cisco, Foundry Equipment, Dynamic Routing Protocols, Low Latency Routing & Switching, Network Monitoring tools, including Open NMS, Intermapper, etc. DECEMBER 2, 2008 An invitation-only private seminar will be held in Reykjavik on Tuesday, December 2, 2008. Please submit your resume for consideration. Invitations will be emailed to qualified candidates. We invite interested candidates to view our website at and email their resume to attention of John Benediktsson. Fundir/Mannfagnaðir Samband íslenskra samvinnufélaga Aðalfundur Sambands ísl. samvinnufélaga fyrir árið 2007 verður haldinn á Hótel Loftleiðum Reykjavík, föstudaginn 28. nóvember nk. og hefst kl. 13.30. Dagskrá skv. samþykktum félagsins. Borgarnesi, 19. nóvember 2008. Stjórn Sambands ísl. samvinnufélaga svf. Í kvöld kl. 20.30 heldur Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson erindi sem hann nefnir: ,,Nokkur orð um sköpunareiginleika" í húsi félagsins Ingólfsstræti 22. Á laugardag 22. nóvember kl. 15- 17 er opið hús. Kl. 15.30 heldur Anna Bjarnadóttir erindi sem hún nefnir ,,Listin að leyfa öllu að vera eins og það er". Á g þ Á fimmtudögum kl. 16.30 - 18.30 er bókaþjónustan opin með miklu úrvali andlegra bók- mennta. Starfsemi félagsins er öllum opin. I.O.O.F. 1  18911218 8½.O.* I.O.O.F. 12  189112181/2  Félagslíf Þjónustuauglýsingar 5691100 atvinna



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