

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1985, Side 36

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1985, Side 36
Snið 14 Stóri-Klofi er í efnisnámu Vegagerð- arinnar austan við Stóra-Klofa á Landi. Á þess- um stað sést, að áll úr Selsundsvikurshlaupinu hefur komist inn á vatnasvið Pjórsár. Áll úr H4 hlaupinu hefur einnig farið hér yfir. H3 lagið er hinsvegar loftborið. Hin dæmigerða ásýnd þess á þessum slóðum og víða um Suðurlandsundir- lendi er sem hér sést. Lagið sjálft er dökkt og lítt áberandi inn á milli þykku svörtu fylgilaganna tveggja, en gleggsta einkenni þess er hinn ljósi fokríki jarðvegur yfir því. SUMMARY Pumice Flows During Hekla Eruptions by Elsa G. Vilmundardóttir and Arni Hjartarson National Energy Authority Grensásvegur 9 108 Reykjavík The Hekla eruptions are often accompanied by mud- or pumiceflows and floods in rivers in the neighbourhood of the volcano. These flows and floods may have three main causes. The first is the melting of snow and small glaciers on the flanks of the mountain. The second is con- densation of vapour from the volatiles of the eruption. The third is damming of rivers due to the enormous pumice production and ashflows at the initial stage of the eruptions. These floods are sometimes mentioned in historical littera- ture and Annals. They have also been geolo- gically explored in the eruptions of 1947 and 1845. From prehistorical times geological evi- dence shows that vast pumice- and mudflows have taken place during the great Plinian erup- tions of Hekla. These eruptions produced the large tephra layers H3 2800 years BP., HSv - Selsund pumice - approximately 3400 years BP and H4 4000 years BP, (C,4 age, Tl/2 = 5570) Thick layers of fluviatiles, mostly made of acid Hekla tephra have been found along the large rivers in South Iceland, Ytri-Rangá, Þjórsá, Stóra-Laxá and Hvítá. The distribution of the tephra and the floodchannels are shown in fig. 4. In the H3 and H4 eruptions, ashflows have rushed down the watercourses of Ytri-Rangá and Þjórsá. Branches of the floods in Þjórsá have overflowed the river channel near Árnes and flowed westwards to Stóra-Laxá (fig. 4, 5 and 6). Thick layers of fluviatile H3 pumice are found in the district of Skeið, some 50 km southwest of Hekla. The eruption producing the Selsund pumice has been somewhat different. For some unknown reasons, a great amount of the tephra did not become airborne but instead rushed down from the vent or vents and rushed over the birchwoods to the southwest of Hekla and along the channel of Ytri-Rangá and pro- bably all the way down to the coast. HEIMILDIR Guðmundur Kjartansson. 1945. Hekla. - Árbók F.f. 1945: 167 bls. Guðmundur Kjartansson. 1951. The Er- uption of Hekla 1947—1948, 11,4. Wat- er Flood and Mud Flows. - Vísindafélag íslendinga: 60 bls. Guðmundur Kjartansson, Sigurður Pórar- insson og Þorleifur Einarsson. 1964. C- 14 aldursákvarðanir á sýnishornum varðandi íslenska kvarterjarðfrði. — Náttúrufræðingurinn 34: 97—149. Guðrún Larsen. 1978. Gjóskulög í ná- grenni Kötlu. - 4. árs ritgerð við Há- skóla íslands: 60 bls. Guðrún Larsen og Sigurður Þórarinsson. 1977. H4 and Other Acid Hekla Tep- hra Layers. - Jökull 27: 28—46. Islandske Annaler indtil 1578, 1888. - Udg. ved G. Storm. Christiania: 485. bls. Oddur Erlendsson. 1847. Dagbók, óprent- uð, varðveitt á Landsbókasafni. Sigurður Þórarinsson. 1968. Heklueldar. - Sögufélagið, Reykjavík: 202 bls. Sigurður Þórarinsson. 1976. Gjóskulög. - Samvinnan 70, 1: 4—9. Sigurður Þórarinsson, Trausti Einarsson og Guðmundur Kjartansson. 1959. On the geology and geomorphology of Ice- land. - Geografiska Annaler. Stock- holm 41: 135-169. 30



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