

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Síða 61

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Síða 61
3.70 Ma, 3.98 Ma, and 3.51 Ma, respec- tively. Correlation diagrams using older K/Ar data, e.g. from Breidadalslieidi, North- western Iceland, seem to confirm earlier results suggesting an age of 15.89 ± 0.34 Ma which does not differ lrom the earlier weighted ntean age of 16.0 ± 0.3 Ma and a further confirmation of earlier results from Gerpir, Eastern Iceland, is also shown suggesting a regression age ol' 13.05 ±0.12 Ma and 12.56 ± 0.05 Ma for rocks 150_220 m above the base of succession. HEIMILDIR Brereton, N. li., 1972: A reappraisal ol the Ar40/Ar:!!> stepwise degassing technique. Geophys. Journ. Roy. Astron. Soc., 27, 449—478. Dagley, P., Wilson, R. L., Ade-Hnll, J. M., Walker, G. P. L., Haggerty, S. E., Sigurgeirsson, Þ., Watkins, N. D., Smith, P. /., Edwards, J. and Grasty, R. L., 1967: Geomagnetic polarity /ones for Icelandic lavas. Nature, 216, 25-29. Dalrymple, G. B. ir Hirooka, K., 1965: Variation of potassium, argon and calculated age in a late Cenozoic ba- salt. Journ. Gophys. Res., 70, 5291 — 5296.' Dalrymple, G. B. ir Lanphere, M. A., 1969: Potassium-argon dating. Prin- ciples, techniques and applications of geochronology. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 258 bls. Evans, A. L., 1969: On dating the British Tertiary igneous province. Ph. 1). ritgerð, University of Cambridge, 159 bls. Fitch, E. /., 1972: Selection of suitable material for dating and the assess- ment of geological enor in potass- ium/argon age determination. í Bishop, W. W. & Miller, J. A. (eds.): Calibration of hominoid evolution, 77—91. Scottish Acad. l’ress. Filch, F. J. ir Miller, J. A., 1971: Atmos- pheric argon correction in the K/Ar dating of young volcanic rocks. J. Geol. Soc., /27, 277-280. Filch, F. /., Miller, J. A. ir Mitchell, J. G., 1969: A new approach to radio-iso- topic dating in orogenic belts. í Kent, P. E. et al. (eds.): Time and place in Orogeny, London (Geol. Soc.), 43— 79. Fitch, F. ]., Miller, J. A. ir Hooker, P. /., 1976: Single whole rock K/Ar iso- chrons. Geol. Mag., 113, 1—10. Gale, N. FL, Moorbath, S., Simons, J. ir Wallier, G. P. L., 1966: K/Ar ages of acid intrusive rocks from Iceland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1, 284—288. Hayatsu, A. ir Carmichael, C. M., 1970: K/Ar isochron method and initial argon ratios. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., S, 71-76. Hornung, G., Al-Ani, G. ir Stewart, R. M., 1964: The composition and emplace- ment of the Cleveland dyke. Trans. Leeds Geol. Assoc., 7, 232—249. Mellor, D. W. ir Mussett, A. E., 1975: Evidence for initial Ar30 in volcanic rocks, and some implications. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 26, 312-318. Merrihue, C., 1965: Trace-element deter- minations and potassium-argon dat- ing by mass spectroscopy of neutron irradiated saniples. Trans. Am. Geo- phys. Union, J6, 125. Miller, J. A., 1972: Dating Pliocene and Pleistocene strata using the K/Ar and Ar40/Ar:i!) methods. í Bisliop, W. W. & Miller, J. A. (eds.): Calibration of hominoid evolution, 63—76. Scottish Academic Press. Mitchell, J. G., 1968: The argon-40/ argon-39 method for potassium-argon age determination. Geochim. Cosmo- chim. Acta, 32, 781-790. Moorbath, S., Sigurðsson, H. ir Goodwin, R., 1968: K/Ar ages of tlie oldest ex- posed rocks in Iceland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 4, 197-205. Mussett, A. E. ir Dalrymple, G. B., 1968: An investigation ol' the source of air Ar contamination in K/Ar dating. Eartli Planet. Sci. Lett., 4, 422—426. Nier, A. O., 1950: A redetermination of the relative abundances of the iso- topes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, 55



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