Tímarit lögfræðinga

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.01.1954, Page 55

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.01.1954, Page 55
HELZTU HEIMILDARRIT: 1) Aug. Wimraer: Special kiinisk Psykiatri, Munksgaard, Köbenhavn 1936. 2) Bror Gadelius: Human Mentalily, Munksgaard, Köbenhavn 1933. 3) Gabriel Langfeldt: Lærebog i klinisk Psykiatri, Aschehoug, Gslo, 1951. 4) O. Kinberg: Basic Problems of Criminology, Munksgaard, Kbhvn, 1935. 5) K. Birnbaum: Kriminalpsychopathologie, Springer, Berlin 1931. 6) K. Jaspers: Allgemeine Psychopothologie, Springer, Berlin 1920. 7) H. Christian: Psychiatry for practitioners, Oxíord Un. Press 1936. 8) F. Reuter: Lehrbuch der gerichti. 'medizin, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin. 9) Tímaritin: Journal of Mental Science, Annales Medico-psycholog- iques, Acta Psychiatrica, Archives of Neurol. & Psychiatry, Amer. Journ. Psychiatry, frá 1936—1953; Zentralbl. Neurol & Psych. til 1942 og Excerpta Medica, Neurl. & Psych. frá 1946. 49


Tímarit lögfræðinga

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