
Morgunn - 01.06.1984, Page 51

Morgunn - 01.06.1984, Page 51
DULRÆN FYRIRBÆRX OG VÍSINDI 49 5. G. R. Schmeidler and R. A. McConneil: ESP and yersonality Patterns. Yale University Press, New Haven 1958. 6. J. Palmer: Extrasensory Perception: Researcli Findings. 1 S. Klippner (ed.): Advances in Parapsyhologican Research, Plenum Press, New York, 1978, bls. 1953-160. 7. Erlendur Haraldsson: Reported Dream Recall, Preseognitive Dreams and Extrasensory Perception. í Research in Parapsycho- lógy 1974. The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., 1975, bls. 47—48. 8. Erlendur Haraldsson: Forviska og dultrú skólafólks. Fréttabréf félags háskólakennara, 19. tbl., des. 1975. 9- C. Terry and C. Honorton: Psi Information Retrieval in the Ganzfeld: To Oonfirmatory Studies. Jornal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1976, 70, bls. 207—217. fO. c. Honorton and S. Harper: Psi-Mediated Imagery and Ireation in an Experimental Procedure for Regulating Perceptual input. 11- W. G. Braud, R. Wood and L. W. Braud: Free-responce GESP Performance during Experimental Hypnagogic State Induced by Visual and Acoustic Ganzfeld Techniques: A Replication and Extension. Journal of the American Society for Psjwhical Desearch, 1975, 69, bls. 105-113. C. Sargent: Exploring Psi in tlie Ganzfield. Parapsychology Poundation, New York, 1980. 13. s. Blackmore: The Extent of Selective Reporting of ESP Ganz- field Studies. European Journal of Parapsychology, 1980, 3. bis. 213-219. 14. Erlendur Haraldsson: ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT). A Further Validation. European Journai of Parapsyho- logy, 1978 2, bls. 104-114. 15. Erlendur Haraldsson and Martin Johnson: ESP and the Defense Meclianism Test (DMT), Icelandic Study No. III. A Case of Experimenter Effect? European Journal of Parapsychologi, 1979, 3, bls. 11-20. 16. Martin Johnson and Erlendur Haraldsson: The Defense Mechan- ism Test as a Predictor of ESP. Icelandic Studies IV and V. Journal of Parapsychology. 1 prentun. 17. Guðmundur Hannesson: / Svartaskóla, VIII. Norðurland, 18. mars 1911. 18. C. D. Broad: Religion, Philosophy and Psycliial Research. Humanities Press, New York, 1969, bls. 9-11. 19. W. Broad and N. Wade: Betrayers of the Trutli. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1982. Sjá einnig: W. Baud: Fraud and tlie Structure of Science, Science, 1981, 212, bls. 137—141. N. Wade: A Diversion of the Qust for Truth, Science 1981, 211, bls. 1022—1025. 4



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