Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.1984, Blaðsíða 113
Um innrí gerð nafnliða í íslensku
This paper deals with the structure of noun phrases (NP) in Icelandic. The main
emphasis is laid on those determiners that precede or follow the head of the NP,
the noun.
In chapter two recently published NP-rules for Icelandic are briefly reviewed.
Chapter three deals with the noun and its position within the NP as well as
those determiners that, according to the above-mentioned rules, precede the noun,
i.e. adjectival phrases, numerals, demonstrative pronouns and indefinite pronouns.
It is argued that the so-called „indefinite demonstrative pronouns“ as well as the
definite article also precede the noun in the NP-rule. The definite article can how-
ever be moved behind the noun (where it becomes suffixed), often along with
numerals. This movement is optional when an adjective precedes the noun (hinir
þrír gulu kafbútar — gulu kafbátarnir þrír, ‘the three yellow submarines’), but
obligatory when no adjective precedes the noun (hinir kafbátar—>kafbútarnir, ‘the
Chapter four concerns those determiners that, according to the above-men-
tioned rules, follow the noun, i.e. possessive pronouns, possessive (genitive) nouns
and genitives of personal pronouns. In Icelandic, possessive pronouns either pre-
cede or follow the noun (mín bók — bókin mín, ‘my book’) but in chapter four it
is argued that possessive pronouns should precede the noun in the NP-rule. They
can however be moved behind the noun as — and often along with — the definite
article and numerals.
In chapter five some general features concerning NPs are discussed, i.e. co-
ordination, empty nodes, personal pronouns (and their determiners) and adverbs.
The conclusions of this paper are drawn in chapter six in the form of phrase
structure rules.
Háskóla íslands,