Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Síða 105

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Síða 105
anglo-saxon england and iceland 87 n°l°gy 0f icelandic church. We know, indeed, that the first two bishops of Iceland studied at Here- ford in Westphalia but we also know fhat when an Icelander wished to adopt the monastic way of life he Want to Anglo-Saxon England. Guð- laugr, the son of the great Icelandic ohieftain, Snorri goði, went there about 1012, entered a monastery and ended his days within its walls.40 Anglo-Saxon literature is of the same kind as Icelandic literature. 11 is interesting to speculate why ihe saga did not develop in Eng- isnd as it did in Iceland for there are indications that the beginnings °í a similar genre of literature were t° be met with in England in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Was it the Irish element that was lacking or Was it rather that the emigra- tion to a new country and the sever- ance of ties with the old created an atmosphere in Iceland in which a11 recollections of the old home- and were treasured by the emi- grants who had been forced to leave heir ancestral haunts. Sigurdur ordal has pointed out how appo- site the words “Let us not weep ut remember the more,” are in any explanation of the origin of the amily sagas in Iceland. These words ^ere uttered, of course, in an en- lrely different context — one in which the remembering was done or the sake of revenge. As Nordal ernPhasizes, however, one may re- ^rember for many other reasons, fn<1 ^he vast interest, so great as to e almost unique, in genealogy im- 11 les that the Icelanders felt nos- a gic about the homelands they had left and desired to keep green as far as possible the memory of these lands and any kinsmen dead or alive, whom they left behind. In- structive in this connection is the stanza which is attributed to Önundr iréfóír (Peg-Foot) uttered about the land which he was to settle. The substance of the verse is “I have fled lands and left behind numer- ous kinsmen, but this is the ulti- mate: Hard is the bargain if I am to gain Kaldbakr (the “cold” name Önundr gave to the mountain above his farm) in return for the loss of cultivated fields.”41 Out of such a milieu grew and flourished the Ice- landic sagas, but in England there are only the bare beginnings of this type of literature 42 The book collections of Icelandic churches also show English influ- ence going back to Anglo-Saxon times. In the inventories which list the books owned by churches in the 14th and 15th centuries several service books are designated as Eng- lish and in one instance lectionaries are called reddingabaekur which is easily recognizable as a derivative of the Anglo-Saxon rædingboc.43 The post-C o n q u e s t relationship which was close between Iceland and England has its roots in the pre-Conquest relationship. The ear- liest Icelandic saint Þorlákur Þór- hallsson, (1133 -1193), bishop of Skálholt, was venerated in Eng- land44 and thirteen Icelandic medi- aeval churches were dedicated to Saint Thomas Becket45 As early as 1191 Rafn Sveinbjarnarson took two walrus tusks with him to Canter- bury and presented them to the martyred saint, Thomas.46
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