Læknablaðið - 01.04.1953, Blaðsíða 33
16 obtained litlle or no im-
A Luc-Caldwell-operation
was performed on 8 of these
16 cases with fairly good re-
sults in 6. The remaining 8
sinuses were awaiting their
radical operation.
Tlie endresults of the 95
antral-window operations as a
whole turned out to he good in
The writer points out at last
the fact that a swollen and
changed antral mucosa even
with jjolvposis may he restored
1) Andersen, H. C.: Studies on the
clinical aspects, etiology and
pathogenesis of nasal polyps and
hyperplastic sinusitis. Copen-
liagen 1943.
2) Berdal, P. & Urdal, K.: Local
treatment with penicillin in
sinusitis e. t. c. Acta otolar., 37:
3) Blegvad, N. Rh.: Claoués oper-
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6) Goodyear, H. M.: Intranasal
surgery of the maxillary sinus.
in a relatively sliort time if
a proper drainage is broughl
ahout, and stresses therefore
that an antral window should
alwavs he done hefore a per-
formance of a radical opera-
tion is resorted to. Thus one
is able to select those cases,
who actually need a radical
operation, and the mucosal
lining of numerous sinuses will
I) e spared, i. e. the radical oper-
ation should he reserved for
cases which have not respond-
ed to antrostomy.
Arcli of otolaryng., 6:1949:795.
7) Gording, R.: Penicillin treat-
ment of acuta and sub-acute
maxillary sinusitis. Acta otolar.,
8) Lindemann, H.: En etterunder-
sökelse av pasienter operert for
sinusitis maxillaris, specielt med
omsyn til resultaterne etter bred
ápning og Luc-Caldwells opera-
sjon. Nord. med., 31:1946:1897.
9) Proetz, A. W.: Principles of
sinus treatment in light of
physiol. facts. Transact of sect.
on otolar. of the Amer. Med.
Ass. 1933.
10) Wessely, E. A.: Klinik der Hals-
Nasen- und Ohrenerkrankung-
en. Berlin & Wien 1938.
II) Thornval, A.: Oto-Rhino- Lar-
yngologi. Kpbenliavn 1944.