

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1963, Page 23

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1963, Page 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 101 Summary. Pelger-family is reported tlie first of its kind found in the Icelandic population as far as is known to tlie authors. Stained blood-filnis have been investigated from 62 kindred. Tlie Pelger-phenomenon was found in 12 individuals. See pedegree. In 6 sibships 11 siblings had the Pelger-phenomenon, but 14 were normal. This ratio 11 : 14 is consistent with ideal genetic ratio 1 : 1 expected in sibships if one of the parents is lietero- zygous for autosomal dominant allele. The family described and the bulk of its ancestors has lived for a long time in the South East region of Iceland — ratlier much isolated area up to re- cent times. The possilile conse- quence of tliis i. e. high fre- quency of the Pelger-allele in the district, is pointed out. HEIMILDARRIT. 1. Jóhannsson, Eggert Ó.: Lækna- blaðið, 47. árg., 1963. 1. hefti, bls. 29—42. 2. Wintrobe, Maxwell M.: Clinicai Hæmatology, Henry Kimpton, London 1961. Bls. 223—224. 3. Ebbing, H. C.: Beitrage zur Ge- netik der Pelger-Anomali. Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 89, 1082, 1959. 4. Stern, Curt: Principles of HU- MAN GENETICS. Second edi- tion 1960. 5. Dorr, A. D., and Moloney, W.C.: Aquired Pseudo-Pelger Anomaly of Granulocytic Leucocytes, New England J. Med. 261, 742, 1959. Leiðréttinyar við ársskýrslu L. R. 1962—1963 í 2. hefti þessa árgangs, hls. 80—93. 1. Á bls. 86 stendur: „Tillögur þessar voru mótaðar á grundvelli, sem BSRB hafði lagt með 30 flokka launakerfi.“ Á að vera: Tillögur þessar voru mótaðar á grundvelli, sem BSRB og BHM (Bandalag háskólamanna) höfðu lagt með 32 flokka launakerfi. 2. Á bls. 91 hafa fallið niður undirskriftir bréfs til heilbrigðis- og félagsmálanefndar neðri deild- ar Alþingis, dags. 22. nóv. 1962. Undirskriftir voru: Arinbjörn Kolbeinsson (form.), Snorri P. Snorrason (ritari), Bjarni Konráðsson (gjaldk.). 3. Á bls. 92 hafa fallið niður undirskriftir bréfs til allsherjar- nefndar sameinaðs Alþingis, dags. 10. des. 1962. Undirskriftir voru: Arinbjörn Kolbeinsson (form.), Snorri P. Snorrason (ritari). Stjórn L. R.



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