

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 12

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 12
40 LÆK.NABLADIÐ ritara, vélritun. Að lokum pökkum við Kristínu Porsteinsdóttur, bókaverði Landspítalans, hjálp við heimildasöfnun. SUMMARY Three members of two families, two sisters and a brother suffering from osteopetrosis (OP) with precocious manifestations (autosomal recessive type), are reported. Genealogic investigation show, firstly, that the parents in one of the families are related, secondly, that the two families are related and thirdly, that the ancestry of the two families stems from the same neighbourhood, where many of them have lived for at last three centuries. 15000- 20000 children were born in Iceland during the years between the birth of the first and the second affected child. The frequency of the recessive osteopetrosis gene in Icelanders is unknown. Twen- ty three family members in four generations were typed for 21 genetic protein marker systems and the results suggested no linkage with the OP gene. These genetic markers were in agreement with the fatherhood in the two families. The present knowledge of the autosomal recessi- ve type of OP is reviewed with reference to recent reports on successful treatment of OP by bone marrow transplantation, when HLA identical lst degree relative is available as donor. HEIMILDIR 1) Beighton P, Horan F, Hamersma H. A review of the osteopetrosis. Postgrad Med J 1977; 53; 507-15. 2) Ash P, Loutit JF, Townsend KMS. Osteoclasts derive from hematopoietic stem cells according to marker, giant lysosomes of beige mice. Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research 1981; 155: 249-58. 3) Walker DG. Osteopetrosis cured by temporary parabiosis. Science 1973; 180: 875. 4) Walker DG. Bone resorption restored in osteo- petrotic mice by transplants of normal bone marrow and spleen. Science 1975; 190: 784. 5) Walker DG. Spleeen cells transmit osteopetro- sis in mice. Science 1975; 190; 785. 6) Coccia PF, Krivit W, Cervenka J, Clawson C, Kersey JH, Kim TH, Nesbit ME, Ramsay NK, Tafla 2. Skýringartafla um erfdakerfi proteina í sermi og raudum frumum, sem rannsökud voru. Erfðakerfi Tegund Starf Algengar Samsætur, gen. Rafdráttarburðarefni Heimild Nr. Heiti Skammst. Properdin B Bf Serum protein 4 Agarose 13, 14 Komplementkerfi S;F;S,;F, Komplementpáttur c3 Serum protein 3 Agarose 14 Komplementkerfi S; F; Fx Group specific Gc Serum protein 3 Acrylamid 15 protein D-vítamín flytjandi 1S; 2; 1 F Isoelectr. foc. Haptoglobin Hp Serum protein 2 Sterkja 16 Hæmoglobin flytjandi 1; 2 Glyoxalase-1 GLO-1 Ensím 2 Agarose 17, 18 2; 1; 3 Rauðra fruma EsD Ensím 2 Agarose 17 Esterase 1, 2 Súr fosfatase AcP, Ensím 3 Sterkja 19 B, A, C Glutamatepyrovate, GPT Ensím 3 Sterkja 20 transaminase 1; 2; 3 Serum E> Ensím 3 Sterkja 16 Esterase' U, A, S latefni Serum E2 Ensím 2 Sterkja 21 Esterase2 -5; +5 Transferrin Tf Serum protein 1 Sterkja 22, 14 Járn flytjandi C Agarose



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