

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 32

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 32
52 LÆKNABLADID geriatric psychiatry. 77-94 (ed. Isaces AD, Post F). (John Wiley & Sons). New York 1978. 7) Magnussen G. De aeldres sind og sindslidelser, 140. Udg. Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning, Danmark 1978. 8) Bratfos O, Haug JO. The course of manio- depressive psychosis. Acta Psychiat Scand 1968; 44:90-112. 9) Sainsbury P. Suicide and depression. Recent developments in affective disorders. (ed. Coo- pen A, Walk A). Br J Psychiat. Special publicati- on no. 2, 1968. 10) Helgason T. Epidemiology of mental disorders in Iceland. Acta Psychiat Scand Suppl 173, 1964. 11) Post F. The management and nature of depres- siv illness in late life: A follow through study. Brit J Psychiat, 1972; 121:393-404. 12) Angst I. Verlauf unipolar depressiven, bipolar manisch-depressiver und schizo-affectiver Er- krankungen und Psychosen. Ergebnisse einer prospectiven Studie. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 1980;48:3-30. 13) Nielsen J, Nielsen JA. Hyppigheden af manio- depressive lidelser. Ugeskr Læger 1977; 139: 2648-50. 14) Kay DWK, Beamish P, Roth P. Old age mental disorders in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Part II. Brit J Psychiat 1964; 110:668-82. 15) Grad du Alarcon, Sainsbury P, Costein WR. Incidence of referred mental illness in Chiche- ster and Salisbury. Psychol Medicine 1975; 5: 32-54. 16) Gianturco DT, Busse EW. Psychiatric problems encountered during a long term study of normal ageing volunteers. Studies in Geriatric Psychia- try (ed. Isaacs AD, Post F) 1-16. (John Wiley & Sons), London 1978. 17) Eastwood MR, Trevelyan MH. Relationshop between physical and psychiatric disorder. Psy- chol Medicine 1972; 2: 363-72. 18) Post F. The Significance of affective syndromes in old age. Maudsley Monograph, 10 (Oxford University Press) London 1962. 19) De Alarcon R. Hypochondriasis and depression in the old aged. Geriat Clin (Basel) 1964; 6: 266- 77. 20) Bergman K, Eastham EJ. Psychogeriatric ascer- tainment and assessment for treatment in an acute, medical ward setting. Age and ageing 1974; 3: 174-88. EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION for FOREIGN MEDICAL GRADUATES Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and the Natio- nal Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) announced today that a new examination is being developed to replace both the present ECFMG medicine examination and the Visa Qualifying Examination (VQE). The new two- day Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences, designed to assess the knowiedge of all graduates of foreign medical schools in the basic and clinical medical sciences, will be administered for the first time in July 1984. Passing the new examination will enable all graduates of foreign medical schools to meet the medical science examination require- ment for ECFMG certification. Such certifica- tion is required of both alien and U.S. citizen graduates of foreign medical schools to enter into residency or fellowship programs accred- ited by the Accreditation Council for Gradu- ate Medical Education (ACGME). Passing the new examination will also enable alien graduates of foreign medical schools to meet the medical science examina- tion requirement to obtain a visa under the provisions of Public Law 94-48 4. The 1976 amendments to the Immigration and National- ity Act call for most alien physicians who wish to enter the United States to provide medical services, or to participate as trainees in programs of graduate medical education or training, to pass Part I and Part II of the NBME examination, or an equivalent exami- nation as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Secretary of HHS has recognized »the For- eign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences as equivalent to the Nation- al Board of Medical Examiners’ Part I and II examinations for purposes of Public Law 94-48 4.« ECFMG adresse: 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-2685, USA.



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