

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 43

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1983, Blaðsíða 43
LÆKNABLAÐID 59 3) Hoorn, R.H., Flikweert, J.P., Westerink, D.: Vita- min Bj, B2 and B6 deficiencies in geriatric patients, measured by coenzyme stimulation of enzyme activities. Clin Chim Acta 1975; 61: 151- 62. 4) Bayoumi, R.A., Rosalki, S.B.: Evaluation of Me- thods of Coenzyme Activation of Erythrocyte Enzymes for Detection of Deficiency of Vitamins B,, B2 and B6. Clin Chem 1976; 22: 327-35. 5) Sauberlich, H., Dowdy, R.P., Skala, J.M.: Labora- tory Tests for Assessment of Nutritional Status. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1974, pp. 22-44. 6) Bamji, M.S., Rameshwar Sarma, K.V., Radhaiah, G.: Relationship between biochemical and clini- cal indices of B-vitamin deficiency. A study in rural school boys. Br J Nutr 1979; 41: 431-41. THE 13TH CONGRESS 55 m CONFEDERATION OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS IN ASIA AND OCEANIA 25-28 SEPTEMBER 1983 HONG KOMG Organizing Committee G.P.O. Box 1957 Tel.No. 5-278891 Cable: MEDICASSOC HONGKONG c/o The Hong Kong Medical Associalion Hong Kong 5-278285 Telex: 71786 FMSHK 1 December 1982 The Presiderrt Laeknafelag Islands Domus Medica Reykjavil Simi 18331 Iceland Dear Sir, The Hong Kong MBdical Association is hosting the 13th Congress of the Confederation of Medical Associations in Asia & Oceania in Hong Kong 25-28. September 1983. It is expected that other than those from Hong Kong about 400 delegates will come from member countries including Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan & Thailand. Observers from non-member medical associations are also welcome. Other than policy meetings of the member associations, there will be a series of scientific meetings. The theme of the Congress will be "The Impact of Affluence on Health & Medical Care", featuring the following four topics: Oncology, Psychiatry, Surgery and Metabolic diseases. Concurrently, we will be holding a medical exhibition in the City Hall of Hong Kong too. Post-congress tours to Mainland China will also be arranged. Your members are cordially invited to attend this Congress as observers. Further details will be announced in the 2nd circular which is expected to be published next February. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, KKY/YMC/pg K.K. Yeung Hon. Secretary



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