

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1993, Side 11

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1993, Side 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 303 úrókínasa og APSAC, sem valda einnig miklu leysiástandi, verður lítil storkuleysing in vitro við svo lítinn styrk plasmínógens (9) og því má leiða líkum að því, að þannig sé því einnig varið með virkni streptókínasa. Sambandið á milli niðurbrots fíbrínógens og niðurbrots plasmínógens (mynd 5) gerir mögulegt að áætla þéttni plasmínógens út frá þéttni fíbrínógens meðan á streptókínasagjöf stendur. Mæling fíbrínógens er bæði mun einfaldari og fljótlegri en mæling plasmínógens. Þetta samband kann því að hafa hagnýta þýðingu ef áætlun á þéttni plamínógens reynist hjálpleg meðan á segaleysandi meðferð stendur. Sé tekið mið af áðurnefndum glasarannsóknum og niðurstöðum núverandi rannsóknar má leiða líkur að því, að segaleysing hafi minnnkað verulega eftir fyrstu 10-20 mínútur SK-meðferðar vegna skorts á plasmínógeni í plasma. Ef það reynist rétt má ætla að lengri gjöf lyfsins þjóni litlum tilgangi í núverandi skömmtum. Sú spurning vaknar hvort þörf sé breytinga á meðferðinni til þess að draga úr plasmínógeneyðingunni. Ef til vill næðust sömu segaleysiáhrif með gjöf 500.000 eininga af SK á 20 mínútum eða jafnvel enn minni skammti gefnum á lengri tíma. Þá er hugsanlegt að meiri storkuleysiáhrif rt-PA in vitro (8,9) og in vivo miðað við lyf sent valda miklu leysiástandi og eyðingu plasmínógens (SK, UK, APSAC) (6,9) skýrist af plasmínógensparandi áhrifum. Niðurstöðurnar vekja einnig upp þá spurningu hvort bæta megi árangur meðferðar með gjöf plasmínógens ásamt segaleysandi lyfi. Frekari rannsókna er þó þörf áður en meðferð á sjúklingum verður breytt. ÞAKKIR Höfundar færa læknum og hjúkrunarfræðingum bráðavakta og hjartadeilda Landspítala og Borgarspítala bestu þakkir fyrir veitta aðstoð við öflun blóðsýna. Einnig sérstaklega Guðmundi Þorgeirssyni og Gesti Þorgeirssyni. SUMMARY Thrombolytic therapy is associated with the development of a lytic state manifested by depletion of fibrinogen, coagulation factors V and VIII, plasminogen and antiplasmin to a varying degree. The severity of the lytic state is dependent on the type and dose of plasminogen activator applied and is frequently considered desirable during treatment as a measurable indicator of effective in vivo fibrinolysis and an important hypocoagulable condition preventing reocclusion after thrombolytic therapy. However, in vitro data indicate that more clot can be lysed using rt-PA which causes less lytic state than urokinase (tcu- PA, UK) which induces a more pronounced lytic state and that this may possibly be explained in part by depletion of circulating (rather than clot- bound) plasminogen. Based on this hypothesis we have investigated the speed and intensity of lytic state formation in 6 patients treated with 1.500.000 units of streptokinase over one hour for acute myocardial infarction by drawing blood at consecutive early timepoints during infusion. Already after 10 minutes of infusion the plasminogen concentration had decreased to 47±6% of initial, 24±4% after 20 minutes and <15% after 40 and 80 minutes. Antiplasnrin was 53±11% after 5 minutes, I9±5% after 10 minutes and about 5% at 20 minutes and therafter. Fibrinogen degradation was also rapid: 72±8% of initial at 10 minutes, 19±9% at 20 nrinutes and 6±1% after 40 and 80 minutes. A curvilinear relationship was found between the concentration changes of fibrinogen and plasminogen during therapy (R:=.94) making it possible to predict plasminogen concentration based on fibrinogen levels. It is concluded that near maximum lytic state developes within 10-20 minutes of streptokinase infusion for myocardial infarction. Although further study is needed it can be hypothesized based on these results and others’ in vitro data that the rapid development of an intense lytic state may limit therapeutic success. HEIMILDIR 1. Marder VJ, Sherry S. Thrombolytic Therapy: Current Status. N Engl J Med 1988; 318: 1512-20; 1585-95. 2. Collen D. Basic and clinical aspects of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis. Blood 1991; 78: 3114-24. 3. Rao AK, Pratt C, Berke A, et al. Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) trial - Phase I: Hemorrhagic manifestations and changes in plasma (ibrinogen and the fibrinolytic system in patients trealed with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and streptokinase. J Am Coll Cardiol 1988; 11: 1-11. 4. Burket MW, Smith MR, Walsh TE, Brewster PS, Fraker TD. Relation of effectiveness of intracoronary thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction to systemic thrombolytic state. Am J Cardiol 1985; 56: 441-4. 5. Marder VJ. Rothbard RL, Fitzpatrick PL, Francis CW. Rapid lysis of coronary artery thrombi with anisolated p!asminogen:streptokinase activator complex. Treatment by bolus intravenous injection. Ann Int Med 1986; 104: 304-10. 6. Collen D. Coronary thrombolysis: Streptokinase or recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator? Ann Int Med 1990; 112: 529-38. 7. Alkjaersig N, Fletcher AP, Sherry S. The mechanism



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