

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1997, Side 61

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1997, Side 61
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 769 Fréttaskýring European doctors seek solutions for a troubled hospital sector Evrópskir unglæknar hafa þungar áhyggjur af framtíðar- skipan heilbrigðismála og starfsemi sjúkrahúsa. Á ráð- stefnu PWG, Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors, sem haldin var í Köln 23. október síðast- liðinn voru þessi mál til umfjöllunar. Síðar verður ítarleg- ar greint frá niðurstöðum ráðstefnunnar. Future medical work confer- ence, Cologne 23 October, 1997 Junior doctors in 24 Europe- an countries are now clialleng- ing the hard pressure ofworking conditions prevailing in most of the health care systems. To a varying degree, the problems are similar in all countries: scarce resources, stressful duty ar- rangements, and lack of conti- nuity of care in the doctor/pa- tient relationship. However, the doctors will also take a very crit- ical look at their professional culture. The offers from the Europe- an health care systems to their citizens have never been as vast as at present. The possibilities of care have never been as abundant. However, in most countries, the growing range of offers is not followed-up by in- creasing resources. Throughout Europe, a pronounced dissatis- faction with this situation can be observed among hospital em- ployees as well as among pa- tients - and hospital doctors from 24 European countries have agreed to do something about this. This work will be initiated at a conference on Future medical work - promoting health for pa- tients and doctors organized by the Permanent working group of European junior doctors (PWG) to be held in Cologne on 23 October, 1997. Until that date the official background pa- per for the conference is consid- ered confidential. It is hardly surprising that the pressing resource situation will be one of the key themes of the debate. The non-traditional ap- proach is that the doctors now take a critical look at them- selves as well: the unsatisfacto- ry working conditions of junior doctors are also caused by out- dated views and habits with re- gard to the norms and culture of the profession within the med- ical group in relation to the con- tent, distribution, and organiza- tion of medical work. The junior doctors recognize that as opposed to e.g. nurses and other health professionals they have failed to find common ground from which to resist the pressure arising from increased work loads, the responsibility for the individual patient - of- ten with limited possibilities of administering that responsibil- ity, frequent and wearing night duties, inappropriate distribu- tion of work, fragmented pa- tient contacts, and other mat- ters. While other health profes- sions have succeeded in strengthening their professional identity, the doctors have had to face the problems on an indi- vidual basis - to a certain extent forced by circumstances. The result may be that many doctors lose their satisfaction with and motivation for medical work and this is harmful not only to themselves, but also to the pa- tients and the development of the profession. These are the problems which will be on the agenda at the conference in Cologne, where the participants, inter alia, will discuss: - the organization of medical work in European hospitals, in- cluding an analysis of the med- ical staff structure and organiza- tion of work, -distribution of work and co- operation with other personnel groups, - the objectives of medical work, the doctor/patient rela- tionship, and the internal „med- ical culture“. The PWG working group which has prepared the confer- ence has set up a number of pro- posals for a new structure for



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