

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Blaðsíða 38

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Blaðsíða 38
flow in this area at the time. After 1960 the patch decreased in size and it disappeared in the early eighties. No holes or openings similar to the ones formed during the eruptions in 1934 and 1983 have been observed in this area. An expedition that visited Grímsvötn on October 5, 1945, reported a circular sinkhole in the “eastern part of the northwest corner of the depression” (Áskelsson, 1959). The walls were vertical, the depth close to 100 m while the diameter was smaller. Strong smell of sulphur was found in the vicinity of the crater. Áskelsson (1959) considered that the crater was created a few days earlier by a small erup- tion producing mostly steam but also an ash layer covering the northwestern part of the Grímsvötn depression. No eruption column was ever seen during the course of the jökulhlaup that started on September 16, 1945, culminating around September 27, and no indications of an eruption were seen dur- ing inspections from the air on September 22, 26 and October4 (Hannesson, 1958). Was the sink crater observed by Áskelsson in 1945 created by a volcanic eruption? The question whether a subglacial mound is situated at the site of the sinkhole cannot be answered, as its exact location is unknown. The ash layer which Áskelsson (1959) considered to have been formed in an eruption short- ly before October 5 existed on August 30 and had probably done so for some years. Moreover, no signs of locally increased heat flow in this area can be seen from the air photos of 1946. Hence, we find no sup- port for Áskelsson's (1959) suggestion. A sinkhole with about 50 m high vertical walls and a diameter of about 200 m was observed in the eastern part of Svartibunki at the culmination of the jökulhlaup in 1954 (Þórarinsson, 1974). Small ice blocks floated on the water covering the bottom of the hole (Fig. 14). The hole apparently maintained its shape for at least seven weeks (July 21 - September 7) but the vertical air photos (Table Al) show that it had collapsed by September 15. A smaller sinkhole was formed in the southwest corner of Grímsvötn at the culmination of the 1954 jökulhlaup. The firn sur- face surrounding the smaller hole was crevassed but not stained by ash or tephra. This hole was still visi- ble on September 15. No eruption column was observed in 1954 and Þórarinsson (1974) suggested that the large sinkhole was created by a steam explo- sion. Jóhannesson (1983) has suggested that a small eruption took place near the end of the jökulhlaup in 1954. Air photos from 1945 onwards, show that a caul- dron has existed in Svartibunki where the sinkhole formed, at least since 1945. This indicates that the hole formed above a local geothermal upflow zone. Furthermore, according to Þórarinsson (1955) and Eyþórsson (1960), a sinkhole with a powerful fuma- role was observed at the same location in June 1955 and 1960. On both occasions the sinkhole had verti- cal walls and a diameter of about 30 m. The area surrounding the cauldron has been cov- ered with a dense network of radio-echo soundings and the site of the sinkhole of 1954 is shown on the bedrock map on Fig. 2. There are no signs of a mound indicating the eruption of magma onto the base of the glacier under the sinkhole. Hence, the suggestion that a volcanic eruption occurred at this site in 1954 should be discarded. Þórarinsson (1974) suggested that the sinkholes in Grímsvötn were created by steam explosions. A steam explosion may occur where a hydrothermal reservoir is sealed by poorly or impermeable caprock (Williams and McBirney, 1979). Boiling in the reser- voir leads to increased fluid pressure which may exceed the lithostatic load. Fracturing in the caprock may open a channel for the fluid to the surface and a sudden release of pressure will cause rapid boiling and catastrophic expansion of the fluid. In Grímsvötn a steam explosion may take place because a sudden pressure release occurs during a jökulhlaup, about 10 bars in a fortnight. The sinkholes may also be created by locally enhanced melting of ice after increased upwelling of hydrothermal fluid in reservoirs of high permeability due to the pressure release during the jökulhlaups. Within zones of upwelling of hydrothermal fluids in high temperature geothermal areas, the temperature gradient in the vertical fluid column follows the boiling point curve and the ratio of steam and liquid is presumably stable. A sudden pressure release reduces the boiling point below the actual tempera- ture, throughout the column, and leads to vigorous 36 JÖKULL, No. 41, 1991
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