

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Blaðsíða 57

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Blaðsíða 57
may be at the bottom of the normal zone in the Mosfellssveit area, but this direction does not fit the pole path found by Sigurgeirsson (1957 ; Kristjáns- son and Sigurgeirsson 1992) for the R3-N3 transition in lavas in Hvalfjörður. It is therefore possible e.g. that UK 7 belongs to a geomagnetic excursion within N3. The lowermost zone of normal-polarity lavas is followed by the relatively thick reverse lava series in the remainder of GB and UE as well as in UF. Continuous outcrops in this series end at the foot of Úlfarsfell due to scree, but we consider that profile UH covers the stratigraphic gap below the cliff pro- file UO in Úlfarsfell. Most of the upper part (UB) of Úlfarsfell is of nor- mal magnetization, which may correspond to the Olduvai subchron or possibly the elusive Gilsá sub- chron of approx. 1.6 M.y. age. We correlate this zone with the youngest normal zone in Esja, occurring in intrusions and hyaloclastites in the Svínaskarð (Móskarðshnúkar) profile SC of Kristjánsson et al. (1980) and in other late products of the Stardalur cen- tral volcano (Friðleifsson 1973, 1985). The very top of Úlfarsfell (Stórihnúkur peak), as well as profile UD, is reversely magnetized. The pat- tem of easterly declinations of remanence in UC 2 - 8 is remarkably similar to that in UD 1 - 5 (or 7) , and the inference that they are contemporaneous agrees well with the geological strike. In a more detailed survey of the Úlfarsfell area, it may become possible to correlate other small groups of lavas, or even individual lava units, over some distance with the aid of their paleomagnetic directions and other characteristics, for example between the profiles UL and UA/UB. Secular variation. Despite generally close within-unit directional agreement (95% confidence angles < 10° in Table 1), the lavas described here are much less satisfactory material for paleomagnetic secular varia- tion studies than are other lava sequences described so far from Iceland. The reasons for this are mostly geological: a) Tectonic tilt is quite large, with a correspond- ingly large uncertainty. b) Outcrops are not very good, possibly causing repeated sampling of the same flow in some instances, such as in the flat-lying Gufunes profile GB. c) Undetected faults, and lack of traceable hori- zons (such as extensive tuffs or petrographically dis- tinct lavas) may have caused duplicate sampling of a few lavas in adjacent profiles or even within the same profile: thus, the similar remanence directions in lavas GB 8, 12/13, 21 and 32/33 indicate that there are repeated segments (see Fig. 3). Similarly, the sites UB 13,14,15 and UB 15A,16,17 may actually repre- sent the same three (or two) flows. d) Relatively close grouping of directions in two to several successive lavas is common; it does not appear to be due to secondary regional remagnetiza- tion. Examples include UC 2-8 as pointed out above, UF 13-16, UD 10-20 and even UH 3-14. This serial correlation indicates that each such group of lavas was erupted in a short episode compared to secular variation time scales. For these reasons, we feel it is not appropriate at this stage to state any mean paleomagnetic directions or between-lava angular statistics for our collection. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION We have mapped a composite 800 m thick section along a stretch of approximately 8 km from Gufunes to Hafrahlíð in the Mosfellssveit area. The section is mostly of reverse magnetization and most probably of Lower Matuyama age, somewhere in the range 1.6 to 2.2 million years. A normally magnetized zone of a few tens of m thickness overlies hyaloclastite at the base of the profile, and another normally magnetized zone of over 100 m thickness is found in the upper part of Úlfarsfell. We correlate (Fig. 5) the lower nor- mal zone with Einarsson's N3 zone in Kistufell and other locations farther east, and the upper zone with the final phase of the Stardalur volcano. These may correspond in time respectively to the Reunion and Olduvai subchrons, but additional radiometric dates in the area are needed to test this suggestion. The publication of the present pilot study is intended to stimulate further interest in the mapping of stratigraphy and structure in the Kjós-Mosfells- sveit-Reykjavík region. This mapping can be done JÖKULL, No. 41, 1991 55
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Ársrit Jöklarannsóknarfélags Íslands og Jarðfræðafélags Íslands
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1951-í dag
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Jón Eyþórsson (1952-1967)
Sigurður Þórarinsson (1957-1982)
Guðmundur Pálmason (1965-1976)
Sveinbjörn Björnsson (1967-1976)
Helgi Björnsson (1983-1985)
Leó Kristjánsson (1983-1985)
Ólafur G. Flóvenz (1986-1987)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1988-1989)
Helgi Björnsson (1990-1993)
Leó Kristjánsson (1990-1993)
Áslaug Geirsdóttir (1994-2007)
Tómas Jóhannesson (1998-1998)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (1998-2007)
Halldór Gíslason (2002-2003)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2006-2007)
Freysteinn Sigmundsson (2008-2008)
Leifur A. Símonarson (2008-2008)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2008-2008)
Ívar Örn Benediktsson (2012-2012)
Helgi Björnsson (2012-2012)
Guðrún Larsen (2012-2012)
Olgeir Sigmarsson (2012-2012)
Bryndís Brandsdóttir (2013-2016)
Snævarr Guðmundsson (2013-2016)
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson (2013-2016)
Reykjavík Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 1951-.

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