Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Qupperneq 30

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Qupperneq 30
RAGNAR EDVARDSSON • ARNAR ÞÓR EGILSSON understanding of the number and extend of the resource. The creation of a national wreck database is needed so the heritage management can gain a realistic idea of the number of wrecks around Iceland. Such a database would also make it easier to manage and monitor the resource and facilitate research on submerged sites. The results of this preliminary research is encouraging and show clearly the need for further research, especially underwater survey. The next phase of this research is to continue survey around trading sites, whaling sites and other selected sites to collect data on the extent and the condition of archaeology underwater. Further research is also aimed at collecting environmental data, oxygen saturation, salinity, etc. in the fjords around Vestfirðir and finally the aim is to select a site for survey and excavation. References Annálar 1400-1800,1 - VIII. Bindi, Reykiavík 1922 - 1988. Bonsor, N.R.P. (1975). The North Atlantic Seaway, an illustrated history of the passanger services linking the old world to the new. Vol. 1.-4. New York. Bowen, A. (ed.). (2009) Archaeology Underwater, The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice, London. Edvardsson, Ragnar. (2000) Fornleifaskráning í Kaldrananeshreppi II, Fomleifastofnun Islands. Edvardsson, Ragnar. (2002) Fonleifaskráning í Kaldrananeshreppi, Lokaskýrsla, Fomleifastofnun íslands, Reykjavík. Edvardsson, Ragnar. (2009). Foreign Whaling in Iceland, Archaeological Excavations at Strákatangi in Hveravík, Kaldrananeshreppi 2009, Náttúrastofa Vestfjarða, NV nr. 1-09, Bolungarvík 2009. Einarsson, Bjami T. (1994) "Mjaltastúlkan í gígnum” in Arbók hins íslenska fomleifafélags 1993, Reykjavík. Einarsson, Trausti. (1987) Hvalveiðar við Island 1600 -1939, Reykjavík. Fish J.P. og Carr, H.A. (1990) Sound Underwater Images: A Guide to the Generation and Interpretation of Side Scan SonarData. Boston, MA. Forest, Craig J.S. (2002) “Defining ‘undetwater cultural heritage’”. in The Intemational Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 31 (1). ísafold IV., 6 1883, - XVI., 102., 1889. Islenskir annálar, sive Annales Islandici ab Anno Christi 803 ad Annum 1430, (1847), Copenhagen. Kristjánsson, Jónas ed. (1950) Spánverjavígin 1615. Copenhagen. Lárusdóttir, Bima, Gísladóttir, Guðrún, Ævarsson, Uggi, (2005) Fornleifar frá Kolbeinsvík til Kjörvogs og frá Seljanesi til Skjaldabjarnarvíkur, Fomleifastofnun Islands, FS260-02053, Reykjavík. Morgunblaðið 8.106, 1921. Olavius, Ólafur, (1964), Ferðabók. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Reykjavík: Bókafellsútgáfan h.f. Oxley, 1.(1991) “Environmental sampling underwater”, í J. M. Coles og D. M. Goodbum (ed), Wet Site Excavation and Survey. WARP Occasional Paper No. 5. Exeter . Poumou, A., Jones, A.M., Moss, S.T. (2001) “Biodeteroriation dynamics of marine wreck-sites determine the need for their in situ protection”. in The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 30 (2) Russel, Mathew A., Conlin, David L., Murphy, Larry E., Carr, James D. (2006) “A Minimum-Impact Method for Measuring Corrosion Rate of Steel-Hulled Shipwrecks in Seawater.” in The Intemational Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 35 (2). Skelton, I. (2010) “Die Frau Metta Catharina von Flensburg: A Danish brigantine wrecked in 1786 in Plymouth sound, England.” in The Intemational Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 39 (2), pp. 235-257. Stefánsson, U. (1994) Haffræði, vol.2., Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík. Þórisson, B., Gallo, C., Eiríksson, Þ. (2010) Súrefnis-, seltu- og hitamœlingar í Arnarfirði í ágúst 2010. Náttúmstofa Vestfjarða, NV nr. 17-10. Bolungarvík Þór, Jón Þ. (1984) Saga Isfjarðar og Eyrarhrepps hins foma, vol. 1-3, Reykjavík.
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Archaeologia Islandica

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